
The Urban Mama Forum

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We believe that all of us here are trying to be a good parent, therefore we may want to act in a proper manner that we want our kids to example.

Please respect other member’s opinions in your comment. If you disagree, do not attack them, after all everyone is entitled to a different opinion in their parenting style.

Thanks for reading this. This is just a reminder on the netiquettes you may use in the forum.

Welcome and enjoy The Urban Mama Forum. :)
  • Congratulations for The Urban Mama. Hopefully I could learn and preparing myself before I become a Mama through this gorgeous site. :)
  • nice netiquette, love this *after all everyone is entitled to a different opinion in their parenting style*
    makes me comfortable to hang around :)

  • thanks bundashafa! :)
    just like our slogan right... there's always a different story in every parenting style .. so there's no right or wrong, cuz every kid is different!
    ? a worker by choice, a mom & wife by nature ?
    owner - | @slesta
  • bu mod,
    mau nanya..kl mau promote nyewain barang baby macam bumbo seat gmn?
    posting di mall? blh di signature kita kah?atau kl mau promote di signature cm blh shopkeeper? soalnya aku bkn bisnis gede nih..yg diseewa cm 2 barang, yg bekas dipake anakku..bkn yg bisnis khusus penyewaan gitu

    pls advice ya..takut salah soalnya
    thanks a lot :)
    follow me @ini_dhita || ||
  • fabfashion - kalo cuma 2 barang gitu, bisa ditaro di flea market aja... promote di signature boleh, tapi ngarahnya ke thread flea market ya. dan kalo udah jadi bisnis penyewaan (atau ternyata barang bekas anaknya jadi ada 50 biji, hehehe), dipindah ke shop ya ;)
    ? comic and crochet addict ? | @turniptopia
  • hi mamas,

    ada rules baru yang akan diterapkan di forum as per 6 Mar 2010 yah.

    For the purpose of discussion & sharing session, we encourage urban Mamas & Papas to share online shops, rentals, etc. for baby/motherhood items. However, we strongly forbid that you put a link to these shops. Please just share the names, no link.

    mau share toko baju zaralde. silahkan sebutin aja nama tokonya (ie. zaralde) mungkin bisa dibilang kalo ada online shopnya, tapi tidak perlu menuliskan linknya seperti ini:

    atau seperti ini:

    as this forum exists for sharing and discussion, you may also noticed that there are some advertisers who would like to be our sponsors. it's not fair to them when other business are given free advertisements by having their shops linked freely inside this forum.

    thanks ya!!
    ? a worker by choice, a mom & wife by nature ?
    owner - | @slesta
  • bu mod, mau nanya, kalo namanya bagian multiplly-nya ditulis dmn dong??
    heyho.. mama mer is in the house yoo..
  • ah, maap, baru ngeh sama netiket ini.. sip d bu momod.
  • Bantu jawab ptanyaannya meralda ya,mamas moderator.
    Meralda, ketik aja nama tokonya, kaya waktu pas lo ngetik 'di sini' tempo hari. Trus diselect deh nama tokonya trus masukin linknya (mau .com atau .multiply ga ngaruh) pake yg gambar rantai itu juga,jd kalo diklik..langsung menuju toko yg dimaksud.
    website :
    twitter/IG : @almaviva
  • bkn gt nya ~ kan sLesTa bilang, tdk perlu menuliskan linknya seperti ini (liat atas)

    berarti cuma namanya aja, tanpa link-nya... gt lho nya...
    heyho.. mama mer is in the house yoo..
  • Hoiya ya,Mer..
    Mamas moderator,bener tu OS kan byknya di multiply. Dilemma..kalo via japri nanti nyampah lg kaya waktu itu.Kalo bilang 'coba cari di multiply toko blabla' atau 'coba cari di facebook toko blabla' boleh juga ga?Karna saya termasuk yg jarang tau info OS..
    website :
    twitter/IG : @almaviva
  • meralda & nyanya,
    tulis aja namatoko @ multiply atau namatoko @ facebook. kaya yg udah dicontohon sLesTa di thread rental peralatan bayi.
    (eh, bener gitu kan ya bu mods?)
  • Riri, hoiya ya kaya gitu aja ya.. Thanks, Ri!
    website :
    twitter/IG : @almaviva
  • meralda, nyanya iya bener apa yang riri bilang. tulis aja nama toko @ facebook/multiply etc. kalo emang .com ya tulis aja nama tokonya. kalo di google will definitely keluar kok.

    another help, kalo ngeliat ada yang kayak gini, tolong di report ke kita yaa.. biar kita benerin.

    gimana cara report?
    klik aja tulisan "Report" di box bawah posting. thanks!!
    ? a worker by choice, a mom & wife by nature ?
    owner - | @slesta
  • Riri ~ oke, udh liat di thread-nya... thanks ri..
    heyho.. mama mer is in the house yoo..
  • u are very welcome :)
  • Bagus, TUM lebih rapih dan teratur, membernya mesti teratur juga.
  • mods..berarti, aku bisa ke flea market ya kl mo ksh tau soal sepeda kayu
    ( yg dah dihapus)... soalnya baru mo nyoba promosiin.. kl ke shop, jualannya baru sepeda doang, mohon petunjuknya..
    tengkyu... :)
    mamahnya Aga & Asa :)
  • hi sukma,

    sebenernya, kalo menurut rules-nya flea market, ga bisa: You may post unwanted items, items for barter, used items (in good working condition) for sale in this thread. jadi flea market itu tempat jual barang bekas atau barang ga kepake.

    tapi gue juga ngerti sih, si sepeda ini kan baru bisnis nyoba2 ya? gini deh, gue dan mods lain berunding dulu ya... ntar kita kabarin lagi, enaknya gimana :)
    ? comic and crochet addict ? | @turniptopia
  • oke... gw jg mo ngomongin ama suami dl, apa mo buka lapak ato ngga.. :)
    mamahnya Aga & Asa :)
  • hi mamas,

    ada rules baru lagi yang effective as of 17 April 2010 yah.

    No surveys in any kind, unless it's approved by the admin. If you would like to distribute surveys in the forum, please contact of the admins/moderators or email us at [email protected].

    we've been getting new users register just to post surveys lately. karena kita ga pengen forum member dibombardir dengan surveys, jadi kita bikin sistem seleksi, dimana survey poster mesti kirim ke admin/mod untuk di-review dulu.

    hope y'all understand why we did this.

    thanks ya!!
    ? comic and crochet addict ? | @turniptopia
  • Hi mamas..baru gabung nih, mohon petunjuknya ya bu mods..hope we can share antything about our motherhood world..^_^
  • hai baru gabung juga nih mau nanya dong nampilin photo di flea market koq pk link
  • hi renydani,

    untuk post foto di forum, caranya ada di FAQ kok.

    by the way, website link yang ada di profile saya hapus ya, karena link ke online shop dilarang di TUM (ada di rules). kalo website link-nya ke blog biasa, boleh kok :)
    ? comic and crochet addict ? | @turniptopia
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