
The Urban Mama Forum

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Do Children who are Late Talkers Catch Up on their Own?
Because this group of children is progressing so well in other areas of development, parents and others may assume that they will catch up on their own. Indeed, many late talkers do “grow out of it”, but many do not. It can be difficult to predict which children will NOT catch up to their peers. However, a list of risk factors has been identified, which suggest that a child is more likely to have continuing language difficulties [4]. These include:
  • quiet as an infant; little babbling[/*]
  • a history of ear infections[/*]
  • limited number of consonant sounds (eg. p, b, m, t, d, n, y, k, g, etc.)[/*]
  • does not link pretend ideas and actions together while playing[/*]
  • does not imitate (copy) words[/*]
  • uses mostly nouns (names of people, places, things), and few verbs (action words)[/*]
  • difficulty playing with peers (social skills)[/*]
  • a family history of communication delay, learning or academic difficulties[/*]
  • a mild comprehension (understanding) delay for his or her age[/*]
  • uses few gestures to communicate[/*]
  • mamagaul