Btw, ini ada link bagus soal baby laundry :
Salah satunya nyebutin
What laundry detergent should I use?
Baby skin is more sensitive than adult skin. When choosing a detergent, it is best to pick one that is free of fragrance or color to prevent a rash or an allergic reaction. There are special detergents you can buy for baby clothes, but any detergent that is free from perfumes or dyes will work. Also, avoid using fabric softener, bleach, or dryer sheets. The fragrances in fabric softeners can also affect the fire retardant chemicals added to baby sleepwear.
Before you switch detergents, wash one item in the new detergent to see if it causes a rash or other reaction.
Jadi imho, nggak perlu pake pewangi dan pelembut pakaian deh kayanya. Dulu di RS diingetin juga kalo pewangi bisa jadi mencetus bayi kuning, mungkin krn paparan bahan2 kimia ke nuborn baby ya..cmiiw.
Lagian baju bayi kan udah wangi bayiii ^^
- Provides a boy with the courage to explore the outside world -
@shalihare ||