we have released official The Urban Mama Logos that can be used by all TUM members - post in your blog, online shops, etc. just make sure it's clickble to your dearly website yah http://theurbanmama.com
there are 3 logos with 3 sizes you can choose.. silahkan di pilih satu, ato mau semua nya juga gapapa... :)
small size logos

html code to insert:
<a href="http://theurbanmama.com"><img title="The Urban Mama" src="http://theurbanmama.com/images/logos/TUMlogosmall1.png" alt="The Urban Mama" /></a>

html code to insert:
<a href="http://theurbanmama.com"><img title="The Urban Mama" src="http://theurbanmama.com/images/logos/TUMlogosmall2.png" alt="The Urban Mama" /></a>

html code to insert:
<a href="http://theurbanmama.com"><img title="The Urban Mama" src="http://theurbanmama.com/images/logos/TUMlogosmall3.png" alt="The Urban Mama" /></a>
medium size logos

html code to insert:
<a href="http://theurbanmama.com"><img title="The Urban Mama" src="http://theurbanmama.com/images/logos/TUMlogomed1.png" alt="The Urban Mama" /></a>

html code to insert:
<a href="http://theurbanmama.com"><img title="The Urban Mama" src="http://theurbanmama.com/images/logos/TUMlogomed2.png" alt="The Urban Mama" /></a>

html code to insert:
<a href="http://theurbanmama.com"><img title="The Urban Mama" src="http://theurbanmama.com/images/logos/TUMlogomed3.png" alt="The Urban Mama" /></a>
large size logos

html code to insert:
<a href="http://theurbanmama.com"><img title="The Urban Mama" src="http://theurbanmama.com/images/logos/TUMlogo1.png" alt="The Urban Mama" /></a>

html code to insert:
<a href="http://theurbanmama.com"><img title="The Urban Mama" src="http://theurbanmama.com/images/logos/TUMlogo2.png" alt="The Urban Mama" /></a>

html code to insert:
<a href="http://theurbanmama.com"><img title="The Urban Mama" src="http://theurbanmama.com/images/logos/TUMlogo3.png" alt="The Urban Mama" /></a>