nit just a suggestion lagi, daftar nya pake nama film juga kali ya, biar enak. hihi.. maap bawel..
? a worker by choice, a mom & wife by nature ?
owner - slesta.com |
tgl 19:
1. ninit
2. anak: aldebaran (arza bisa digendong).
3. Yesi
4. Rasya
5. Inga
6. Raka (4 thn)
And thelilsolder is back. Fire!
50 tickets for:
INTERNATIONAL SHORT FILMS 2: I feel Pity for the Ozon Layer, I Want a Dog, Il Nostro Segreto, The Ballerina Frog, Isola, Papa Pedro Papa Jack.
Sabtu, 19 Juni 2010
Plaza Indonesia
15.00 - 16.00
1. Ninit
2. anak: aldebaran (arza bisa digendong).
3. Yesi
4. Rasya
5. Inga
6. Raka (4 thn)
silahkan di copy dan terusin daftar di atas. jangan lupa copy judul filmnya yaaa.. biar inget!
? a worker by choice, a mom & wife by nature ?
owner - slesta.com |
hahah iya judul filmnya malah ga dicopy paste tadi... thanks shin!
? love to write and run - a bus transjakarta passenger
huaaa tanggal 19 ultah teteh nit yaa? :D enak banget ntar dirayain sama banyak anak2 hi9
waaah sabtu ya..gue harus konfirm ke suami dulu. hik...soalnya baru kagol sama hari Sabtu, soalnya dari pamulang/bintaro selalu macet kalau mau keluar di hari Sabtu...:)
Bundanyalana ipeeeh kamu mau hari apakah? :D
Waaaa,teh Ninit udah di Jkt. Pgn ikut,tp terlalu sore..takut kemaleman pulang ke Bdgnya.Mampir aja deh nanti :D
website :
twitter/IG : @almaviva
nit eh iyaaaa.. pas ultahnya ninit yah? huhuuuu.. sedih, gak bisa nyalamin langsung nanti.
? a worker by choice, a mom & wife by nature ?
owner - slesta.com |
ikut tgl brp aja yg penting weekend.
nama: dieta
anak: mikail
suami: age
Ibunya Mika yang selalu pengen punya waktu banyak buat Mika
INTERNATIONAL SHORT FILMS 1: Boo & Baa Have Company, MisInventions of Milo Weatherby, King of the Island.
Selasa, 15 Juni 2010
Plaza Indonesia
10.30 - 11.30
Selasa, 15 Juni 2010
Plaza Indonesia Level 2 Hall. C
16.00 - 17.30
1. Honey Josep - 0811193758
2. Honey Josep (Anak)
3. Honey Josep (Suami)
INTERNATIONAL SHORT FILMS 2: I feel Pity for the Ozon Layer, I Want a Dog, Il Nostro Segreto, The Ballerina Frog, Isola, Papa Pedro Papa Jack.
Sabtu, 19 Juni 2010
Plaza Indonesia
15.00 - 16.00
1. Ninit
2. Ninit [aldebaran (arza bisa digendong).]
3. Yesi
4. Yesi-Rasya
5. Inga
6. Inga-Raka (4 thn)
SHORT FILMS FROM CANADA A: Marianne's Theater, Tzaritza, Nightmare at School, The Hungry Squid, Oma's Quilt.
Minggu, 20 Juni 2010
Plaza Indonesia
14.00 - 15.00
? a worker by choice, a mom & wife by nature ?
owner - slesta.com |
mama, kalo mau ikutan silahkan copy post gue yang di atas (copy semuanya) dan masukan nama ke daftar film yang di-mau yaa.. biar terdaftar dengan enak.
agwienadieta silahkan taro nama di list aja ya.
thanks all!
? a worker by choice, a mom & wife by nature ?
owner - slesta.com |
Meralda, mau reschedule mau yg tgl 19juni aja, biar bisa ketemu teh ninit & yesi.
Issued sabtu, tgl 19juni pukul 15.00wib
1. Ipeh
2. Iyay
3. Lana
dieta & sukie, ayuuuuk tgl 19 yuk. Aseekkk ga sabar pengen ketemuan.
kalo yg jadi cheerleader ga usah dilist kali ya...
abis takut ngeganggu kalo el nangis dibawa nonton hehehe, tp pgn ikutan kopdar heheheh :)
Reborn since El was born
ipeh di daftar dong .. biar next personnya bisa tinggal copas aja yaa.. tks!
? a worker by choice, a mom & wife by nature ?
owner - slesta.com |
Gini bener gak Shin?
INTERNATIONAL SHORT FILMS 2: I feel Pity for the Ozon Layer, I Want a Dog, Il Nostro Segreto, The Ballerina Frog, Isola, Papa Pedro Papa Jack.
Sabtu, 19 Juni 2010
Plaza Indonesia
15.00 - 16.00
1. Ninit
2. Ninit [aldebaran (arza bisa digendong).]
3. Yesi
4. Yesi-Rasya
5. Inga
6. Inga-Raka (4 thn)
7.Vanda - Naia ( 6thn) & Caca ( 4thn)
Always try to be best mama for my Kids..
INTERNATIONAL SHORT FILMS 2: I feel Pity for the Ozon Layer, I Want a Dog, Il Nostro Segreto, The Ballerina Frog, Isola, Papa Pedro Papa Jack.
Sabtu, 19 Juni 2010
Plaza Indonesia
15.00 - 16.00
1. Ninit
2. Ninit [aldebaran (arza bisa digendong).]
3. Yesi
4. Yesi-Rasya
5. Inga
6. Inga-Raka (4 thn)
7. Ipeh-Lana (1,6yr)
8. Iyay
9. Vanda-Caca (4thn)
10.Naia (10thn)
11. Dita-Mika (15bulan)
12. Age
cacamom udah dibenerin tuh ama bundanyalana
btw, itu perlu 3 ato 2 tiket? itu buat dirimu satu plus 2 anak kan ya?
? a worker by choice, a mom & wife by nature ?
owner - slesta.com |
INTERNATIONAL SHORT FILMS 2:I feel Pity for the Ozon Layer, I Want a Dog, Il Nostro Segreto, The Ballerina Frog, Isola, Papa Pedro Papa Jack.
Sabtu, 19 Juni 2010
Plaza Indonesia
15.00 - 16.00
1. Ninit
2. Ninit [aldebaran (arza bisa digendong).]
3. Yesi
4. Yesi-Rasya
5. Inga
6. Inga-Raka (4 thn)
7. Ipeh-Lana (1,6yr)
8. Iyay
9. Vanda-Caca (4thn)
10.Naia (10thn)
11. Dita-Mika (15bulan)
12. Dita-Age (suami)
13. Nana
14. Nana - Rafi (4tahun)
- while we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about -
Ikutan yah :)
INTERNATIONAL SHORT FILMS 2:I feel Pity for the Ozon Layer, I Want a Dog, Il Nostro Segreto, The Ballerina Frog, Isola, Papa Pedro Papa Jack.
Sabtu, 19 Juni 2010
Plaza Indonesia
15.00 - 16.00
1. Ninit
2. Ninit [aldebaran (arza bisa digendong).]
3. Yesi
4. Yesi-Rasya
5. Inga
6. Inga-Raka (4 thn)
7. Ipeh-Lana (1,6yr)
8. Iyay
9. Vanda-Caca (4thn)
10.Naia (10thn)
11. Dita-Mika (15bulan)
12. Dita-Age (suami)
13. Nana
14. Nana - Rafi (4tahun)
15. Nanink
16. Nanink - Alexa (3tahun)
...So in love with my Hubby and my Alexa...
mamas ~ sayang daripada tiket banyak yg kebuang, gmn kalo yg bisa ikutan selasanya juga ya sok dateng aja?
jadi kan kita bisa kopdar 2 kali, gmn mamods?
heyho.. mama mer is in the house yoo..
okay, jadi back to numbering mode yaa :) yang PM reschedule disini aja yaa.. maaf maaf maaf :)
heyho.. mama mer is in the house yoo..
all mamas ~ just wondering, 1 tiket itu 1 kursi. jadi kalo anaknya udah bisa duduk sendiri mending ambil 2 tiket. ambil aja selagi masih available yaa..
heyho.. mama mer is in the house yoo..
hi moms...
mau ikutan donk...tp gak bisa sabtu euy soalnya pas anakku yg preschool graduation (hihihi preschool aja graduation yah :) )
SHORT FILMS FROM CANADA A: Marianne's Theater, Tzaritza, Nightmare at School, The Hungry Squid, Oma's Quilt.
Minggu, 20 Juni 2010
Plaza Indonesia
14.00 - 15.00
1. githa
2. githa - vidi (9 thn)
3. githa- pasha (7 thn)
4. githa - rara (4 thn)
5. githa - didi (suami)
gw penggembira aja ya...Insya Allah sabtu bisa dtg.
Selasa, 15 Juni 2010
Plaza Indonesia Level 2 Hall. C
16.00 - 17.30
1. Honey Josep - 0811193758
2. Honey Josep (Anak)
3. Honey Josep (Suami)
4. Meralda
5. Gilby
7. Papa Rock'nRoll
heyho.. mama mer is in the house yoo..
INTERNATIONAL SHORT FILMS 2:I feel Pity for the Ozon Layer, I Want a Dog, Il Nostro Segreto, The Ballerina Frog, Isola, Papa Pedro Papa Jack.
Sabtu, 19 Juni 2010
Plaza Indonesia
15.00 - 16.00
1. Ninit
2. Ninit - Aldebaran (arza bisa digendong)
3. Yesi
4. Yesi - Rasya
5. Inga
6. Inga - Raka
7. Ipeh
8. Ipeh - Lana
9. Ipeh - Iyay
10. Vanda
11. Vanda - Caca
12. Vanda - Naia
13. Dita
14. Dita - Mika
15. Dita - Age
16. Nana
17. Nana - Rafi
18. Nanink
19. Nanink - Alexa
20. Meralda
21. Mer - Gilby
22. Papa Rock'nRoll
22. booked
23. booked
24. booked
heyho.. mama mer is in the house yoo..