Last Tuesday, Aina's ballet school distributed the costume for the year-end concert, Giselle. The costume is pink with gold decorations here and there... It was soooo pretty! Aina was ecstatic when she saw the costume, it made her feel like the older ballet girls, "OMG, the tutu is like the Swan Lake tutu, Mommy! it's not the floppy kind!"
She hugged the costume all the way home from the class. And as soon as we got home, she immediately put it on and started to dance and twirl around her room.
And then, as I saw her twirling and dancing in that pink ballet costume, I slowly started to remember our conversation 4 years ago...
I drew this illustration of Aina when she was barely 2 years old, based on her saying of wanting to be a ballerina when she grew up. At that time, she had to wait one and a half years to get into a ballet school, because she was too young.
Four years after, this is her... close enough, no?
Seeing this makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside...
Terharu baca ini.
senyum di ilustrasinya senyumnya Aina banget..mirip! Aina cantikkk semoga lancar terus latian balletnya ya nakk...
hahaha ada aja, efek tipisss!
makasiii mama2... iya, aku juga tercekat pas liat ilustrasinya. kok bisa mayan mirip ya. terus jadi terharu... padahal masih pre-ballet class, hihihi. lebay mamanya... mohon doa semoga aina terus seneng balet dan bisa mewujudkan cita2nya yaaa... amin.
@myson - sebenernya ga tinggi kok! cuma cungkring banget aja, jadi kalo di foto kesannya panjang2. padahal mah efek tipis... hihihi.
@jamesneil - makasii tante mel!
Haaa.. bisa mirip banget gitu ya thal ^^ *terharu*
aina cantik udah tinggi :)