My (not so) Baby Girl's 9th Birthday

Oleh Puan Dinar Aifa pada Minggu, 02 Januari 2011
Seputar My Party

When Aira turned 5, I made a promise to myself (and hubby) that I would stop celebrating her birthday, until she's 17. Since then, I already broke that promise 3 times, and about to broke it again. We celebrated her 6th at my mom's place, 7th at her school, 8th was a pool party inviting family & neighbours. On my defence, this year was pretty small, only some of her closest friends from school.

I love planning for birthday party, specially a small one, and for my (not so) baby girl I made sure that it was a fun one. This year she turned 9, on 3rd grade, had her own peer group, listening to Justin Beiber & Lady Gaga, so clown won't impress her anymore. So I, suggested by my best friend (& practically Aira's godmother) Syarin, decided to take her & her friends to watch a movie at Subtitles. Why Subtitles? So it would feel more like a party, not just a regular going-to-a-movie outing. They can choose the movie from Subtitle's dvds collection & watch it in a private room. How cool was that? Very! Yes, very cool for a bunch of 9 years old girls. Hah! :D

Next on my list was goody bags. I know, she's 9, but I just couldn't stop my self. So I prepared 8 bags of 'age appropriate' goody bags filled with small but fun things like a pack of paper for folder refill, a fan, pencils, a box of 6 colors pens, various shapes of paper punchers, an eraser, & a wrist band. I was right, they loved them.

I asked Aira to tell her friends to ask for their parent's permission. But then I decided to gave them an invitation explaining to the parents about this 'party', that I would pick the kids up at school, take them to movie & lunch, & drive each one of them home.

It was Friday, Hubby & I picked Aira up & 7 of her friends at school, they had already changed out of their uniform & we cramped them in our car. It was pretty crowded, but they didn't mind. They asked hubby to changed the radio channel to their favorite station, & sang along. When we arrived at Dharmawangsa Square, hubby dropped us off at the lobby & I got people staring at me, walking with 8 noisy 9 years old girls behind me, with matching wristband from the goody bags on their hands. Aira leading the bunch with a crown headband on her head.

We went to the basement & entered the cool Subtitles area. That was when the 'oohs' & 'aahs' began. First when they entered the reception area with white tiles, bright lighting, mirrors, & the futuristic feel the room gave. Then when they were asked to choose the movie on an online computer. Next when they curiously checking out the dvd rack & the guy on the counter showed them how it move ups & downs. And finally when they were taken to their private mini theater with red velvet seatings, big screen & sound system to watch their movie, Nim's Island. I ordered hot dogs & fries via the phone in the room (another 'ooh') & wait outside with hubby.

It was so much fun. Aira was so happy & her friends had a great time. They couldn't stop chattering on our way home. Even Subtitles was happy about our visit too, they gave Aira a voucher as a gift when they found out it was her birthday. And how I knew that her 9th birthday celebration was a cool one? Aira got 2 other birthday 'private party' (including pick up at school & ride home afterward) invitation from her friends. Her was the first. Happy birthday, little Ace. :D

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24 Komentar
anggitkay January 7, 2011 10:53 pm

Hahahaha.. Lady Gaga, Wristband and the Goody Bags!!! LOVE IT!!

Nisa January 4, 2011 4:49 pm

wahhhh simple dan seru! tfs..akan saya keep utk ide anak ultah ntar 8 tahun lagi hahaha

Dharwiyanti January 4, 2011 4:24 pm

whoaaaa keren banget ultahnya! happu belated birthday Aira!

kita juga udah janji sih ama Naila, setelah masuk SD ga akan ngerayain ultah lagi, cukup ama keluarga. tapi ga tau juga nih, secara anak satu2nya, kita suka ga tegaan.. hihi..

bener deh, anak udah mau ABG, deg2annya ampun yaaa... Aira udah naksir2an blom Puan?

Puan Dinar Aifa
Puan Dinar Aifa January 5, 2011 1:11 pm

untungnya belom siih.. hehehe.. ;)

Lala January 3, 2011 7:23 pm

Puan, idenya cool abiis. Met ultah buat Aira yaa.
Senang ada kakak Aira, jadi nanti pas giliran Raissa tinggal copas ide aja :-D

Duuuh Raissa jadi 9 tahun masih lama yaaa...

Puan Dinar Aifa
Puan Dinar Aifa January 4, 2011 11:37 am

hahaha.. kalo udah 9 tahun kayak Aira malah rasanya pengen dikecilin jadi bayi lagi aja anaknya. dikit lagi ABG nih, aku udah siap-siap panic mode: SUPER ON ginii! hehehe..
Enjoy the precious baby moments mbak Lala. Kisses buat Raissa. :D

Puan Dinar Aifa
Puan Dinar Aifa January 3, 2011 11:15 am

dear moms, terima kasih yaa ucapan buat Aira-nya.
Iya, Aira emang seneng banget & kalo buat bundanya kan begitu si anak bilang "Thank you Bunda, it was the best birthday ever!" rsanya udah cukup banget bikin idung kembang-kempis dan hati ikut senang. After all, big or small, birthday celebration supposed to be about the kids, not the parents. Iya kan? :)

Like always, terima kasih sudah dikasih kesempatan sharing sama mama-mama yang hebat2 & super cool. :D


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