toto wrote:
mestinya ortu saya dulu baca ini Einstein Never Used Flash Cards
the lilsoldier wrote:
emang kenapa?
biar ngerti dan
yakin pentingnya playtime buat seorang anak. in my opinion a child does not only love to play, but she needs to play (opinion terbentuk akibat masa kecil kurang puas bermain :P). karena sering diingetin ala militer untuk belajar belajar belajar, akhirnya saya malah pindah playtime saya ke sekolah, daydreaming main2 terus di kelas.
sedikit review tentang
Einstein Never Used Flash Cards saya copy paste di bawah, lengkapnya
di sini) (link yang sama seperti di previous post), nggak saya italics biar nggak pusing bacanya ya :)
From Publishers Weekly
Authors and child psychologists Hirsh-Pasek, Golinkoff and Eyer join together to prove that training preschoolers with flash cards and attempting to hurry intellectual development doesn't pay off.
In fact, the authors claim, kids who are pressured early on to join the academic rat race don't fair any better than children who are allowed to take their time. Alarmed by the current trend toward creating baby Einsteins, Hirsh-Pasek and Golinkoff urge parents to step back and practice the "Three R's: Reflect, Resist, and Recenter." Instead of pushing preschoolers into academically oriented programs that focus on early achievement, they suggest that children learn best through
simple playtime, which enhances
problem solving skills, attention span, social development and creativity. "Play is to early childhood as gas is to a car," say Hirsh-Pasek and Golinkoff, explaining that reciting and memorizing will produce "trained seals" rather than creative thinkers.
Creativity and independent thinking, they argue, are true 21st-century skills; IQ and other test scores provide a narrow view of intelligence. The authors walk parents through much of the recent research on the way children learn, debunking such myths as the Mozart effect, and pointing out that much learning unravels naturally, programmed through centuries of evolution. Although the research-laden text is sometimes dense, parents will find a valuable message if they stick with the program, ultimately relieving themselves and their offspring of stress and creating a more balanced life.
In the light of the moon a little egg lay on a leaf ~ Eric Carle