untuk bisa lari panjang itu, kita mesti training. gak bisa yang buru2 langsung bisa. ada step2nya yang mesti dijalanin, karena running is a high impact exercise, jadi kalo salah2 dan terlalu memaksakan diri, bisa2 malah injury. dan kalau udah injury, suka udah susah sembuhnya, akhirnya jadi stop. gak mau juga kan?
makanya, for new runners, you must listen to your body, your capacity before you push yourself. karena mesti menguatkan core dulu, kalau sudah kuat, lama2 nanti akan kerasa kok kita bisa lari lebih jauh, dan lebih cepat pacenya. it'll take months, not just days. that's why you must keep at it.
running a 5K is an excellent goal for new runners. you'll get lots of motivation, as well as enjoyment, from participating in a race, and 5K (3.1 miles) is the perfect distance for first-timers. even if you're a couch potato, you can be ready for a 5K in a couple of months.
gue biasanya google untuk cari the best training that'll fit my schedule. salah satunya dari http://running.about.com
for beginners, training for 5K, bisa dilihat di SINI. i think the schedule is pretty good and reasonable. dan ingat, jangan underestimate resting day. karena itu penting banget!
ini gue copas dari link di atas ya, 8 week training schedule untuk 5K run. boleh di accustom untuk schedule masing2 kok..
Mondays and Fridays: Mondays and Fridays are rest days. Rest is critical to your recovery and injury prevention efforts, so don't skip your rest days. You'll also get mentally burned out if you run every day with no breaks.
Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays: After you warm up, run at a comfortable pace for the designated mileage. Make sure you cool down and stretch after your run.
Each week, you'll increase your runs by a quarter mile, which is a lap on most outdoor tracks. If you usually run on roads and you're not sure how far you run, you can figure out the mileage by using MapMyRun.com. Or, you could drive your route in your car and measure the mileage using your car odometer.
Wednesdays: Do a cross-training (CT) activity (biking, swimming, elliptical trainer, or other cardio activity) at easy to moderate effort for 30 to 40 minutes. Strength-training is also very beneficial for runners. If you're feeling very sluggish or sore, take a rest day.
Sundays: This is an active recovery day. Your run should be at an easy, comfortable pace. Or, you can do a run/walk combination or cross-train (CT).
You can switch days to accommodate your schedule. So if you're busy on another day and prefer to workout on a Monday or Friday, it's fine to swap a rest day for a run day.