
The Urban Mama Forum

Post [ 3 ]

For those who may have the products on hand, please do the following to offer to those who are looking for the items:

The Urban Mama is not responsible for any wrongdoings of the sellers and buyers in this thread. We merely give a space for mamas & papas to connect.

If whoever replies your wants do not honor their promise, it is beyond The Urban Mama's responsibility. So please do be careful with whom you will engage your transactions. You may report the users if the person is behaving badly, but The Urban Mama has the right to do nothing.

If you prefer to have your own “shop” at Mama’s Mall, please contact us by emailing to [email protected]

No discussions are allowed in this forum. It's just a listing thread.

The Urban Mama has the right to delete/edit any posts in this thread if we find it unfitting to the rules and netiquettes of our website.

Tips before you are completing your selling/buying transaction:

  • Ensure that you have known the seller/buyer to avoid any wrongdoings
  • At least you have more than just contact number, try to get more information such as email address, YM even BB pin, if available
  • We encourage that you only sell/buy the items from members who already have more than 25 posts, that way you know that the member is quite active in the forum
  • If you have bad experience with a seller/buyer, The Urban Mama is not responsible for any loss. However, you are welcome to report it to us via email to [email protected] so we can remove that member from the forum, to avoid any other occurences. [/*]

    Please do your transaction carefully and diligently.
  • Hi Mamas,

    klo ada yg punya buku Kreasi Indomie kumpulan resep pemenang yang mau dilepas aku minat ya... thank you....
  • Halo nyari botol avent ato pigeon peristaltic new exkado. Sm pompa asi avent natural second ato exkado mgkn ada yang mau lepas. Tq bs hub wa ya 083831286189
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