Parenting / Moms
Jika Ibu Hamil Terkena Hepatitis

Jika Ibu Hamil Terkena Hepatitis

Infeksi virus hepatitis pada kehamilan dapat mengakibatkan berbagai macam komplikasi, tergantung dari tipe virusnya. Virus hepatitis ini ada bermacam-macam, dibagi 2 kelompok besar yaitu akut dan kronik.
Sesame Street To Jalan Sesama

Sesame Street To Jalan Sesama

Saya belum pernah sekalipun pergi berdua saja dengan Darren, jadi saya pikir ini adalah kesempatan bagus untuk berdua saja dengan Darren agar dia merasa mama hanya miliknya pada hari itu.
Melawan Mastitis

Melawan Mastitis

Hebatnya, di saat seperti ini, Mama dan suami saya sama sekali tidak menyebut susu formula. Mereka masih terus yakin bahwa ada jalan.
Tips Meninggalkan Anak Selama Ibadah Haji

Tips Meninggalkan Anak Selama Ibadah Haji

Saya coba sharing persiapan meninggalkan buah hati selama kami tinggal menjalankan ibadah haji selama 40 hari (haji regular).
Raising A $mart Kid by Rosina Simon

Raising A $mart Kid by Rosina Simon

Children who grow up with a good understanding of personal finance will always have an advantage in life. They know the principles. They know the basics. And they know the rules of the game.
Apple Does Not Fall Far From The Tree

Apple Does Not Fall Far From The Tree

It is futile to teach them the theory. The greatest lesson we can impart our children is to walk the talk, money matters included.
Trick or Treat Party: Eyeballs & Skulls

Trick or Treat Party: Eyeballs & Skulls

Every year, it has become a tradition for us to celebrate Halloween weekend at Thalia's neighborhood. Halloween is merely a night to take our kids walking along the neighborhood and scream "Trick or Treat!"
Eyeball Eyepatch

Eyeball Eyepatch

This year, we made eyeball eyepatchrd for our Trick or Treat Party. We're planning to give these out to the kids. So the idea is to make them quick, easy and (kinda) fast.
TUM Halal Bihalal

TUM Halal Bihalal

Pada 15 Oktober 2011, TUM mengadakan acara halal bihalal di House of Arsonia. Seru banget! Yuk, simak deh cerita lengkapnya.
Aleph, Discover Your Personal Journey

Aleph, Discover Your Personal Journey

Hop on a wonderful journey of self discovery with Paulo Coelho in his wonderful new book, Aleph.