During our last trip to Tokyo a couple of weeks ago, we went to check out the crowds and the famous street of Harajuku. While I was there, I couldn't stop snapping pictures of people in different and unique styles, strolling along the street. Then I realized that I was seeing many of them strolling with their baby in tow. Whoa, moms in style!
I'm not saying that moms in other parts of the world don't have style too, but it's just quite interesting to see how these moms dress up in the street of Harajuku, proving that they can be a fashionista while sporting the strollers as part of their style.
So here are some of the pictures of moms along Harajuku that I took, as an omiyage from my little trip :) Enjoy!
Oh, and for us .. we need to fit in too. Here's what we wore that day, do we fit in to the crowd of Harajuku parents yet? :)
@mira - thanks Mir! sayang yang snapshots bukan momsnya belom gue upload. hihi..
oh ini dia oleh2nya...keren shin...! *baru lihat*
@shinantya: thanks! i love it too, seru banget bisa candid snap mereka disana..
@svenir: hayuk lah ikutan begaya. jangan mau kalah doongg.. masak ibu UH gak represent nih. hihi.. pakabar lo shin?
@siska: sebenernya pas lagi summer pun biasanya pada gaya2 sih harusnya.. tapi emang udaranya juga mendukung, ga polusi dan emang enak buat jalan2 di luar.
Wah.. Harajuku mom keren-keren + sophisticated yaaa Shin..! Lagian "atmosphere"nya mendukung bgt untuk style tumpuk-tumpuk+boots! ga kebayang kalo diJakarta pengen menerapkan gaya Harajuku yang ada kepanasan n ribet sendiri hehehe...
shinta... wah gaya ibu2nya keren (termasuk pasangan shinta and ario:) beda bgt yak ama gw yang cuma t-shirt and jeans terus *standard abis gayanya*
btw gw pernah baca emang org sana seneng stroler yang kecil and ringan kaya stroller mclaren or combi gitu biar ringkes kalo naik public transport..