Spend with Love

Oleh shinta lestari pada Selasa, 05 Januari 2010
Seputar Tips

*image from www.fbcdn.net

Awhile back I came across an article on how to fulfill your kid's needs without spoiling them.  I couldn't really recall where I read the article but I remember the tips.  So I thought I'd rewrite it and share them with you as the tips are very very helpful for parents like us.  

As parents, we would love to give as best we could to our child(ren).  However, for those who have the resources to provide for their children, it's important that they provide wisely.  Here are the things to look out for before we buy too many and spoil our kids with it:

1.  If they don't need it, don't buy it!
As much as we want to provide the best for our child, buying a piece of special designer clothing or expensive piece of electronic items may not be a wise choice.  A kid doesn't care if it's expensive as long as it works.  There's nothing more that a kid wants than being normal and just like any other kids in her/his class.  As the kid grows older, teach them that they need to earn it before they can buy anything.  This can be taught by giving them allowance, or make them work for it.  It teaches them the concept that money has to be earned, they just don't fall from a tree.

2.  Teach children the opportunities to make a contribution.
This is good to show them that we live in a society where there are the lucky ones and unlucky ones.  It teaches them how to value what s/he has and share them with those who aren't as lucky as they are.

3.  Provide opportunities to experience lots of different types of people.
This will let them practice to acquire skills to fit in.  

4.  Give your time more than your checkbook.
Never replace your way of showing love to your child by the value of money.  Children crave the attention from their parents, and giving them gifts or something bought at the store would never replace the real attention of love from their parents.  Spend your time with them, not your money.

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9 Komentar
ietoh February 15, 2010 5:17 pm

wow! aku suka article nya. thanks for sharing mba shinta.
tadinya aku suka mikir dengan pulang bawa something ke raya, dia bakalan seneng dan deket ma aku. tapi, nyatanya dia memang lebih deket ke ayay nya, karena memang jadwal ayaynya beberapa bulan lalu lebih banyak free di siang.

jumat kemarin i took a day off karena emang raya lagi sakit, jadi full perhatian aku ke dia seorang (adiknya sama si mba dulu). dan bener lho, berasa banget kalo anak emang butuhnya perhatian.

haduh, jadi pengen cepet pulang nih.

lia January 8, 2010 10:18 am

setuju ama yang laen, aku suka tips nya. kadang kita suka lupa mentang2 punya anak, semuanya deh dibeliin buat anak. tapi jadinya gak mendidik karena jadi manjain.

makasih yah shin!

Retno Aini
Retno Aini January 8, 2010 9:17 am

Great tips, mba Shin... thanks for sharing :) suka bgt yg point #4. Klo yg poin #1 itu bokap-nyokap gw bgt, huehehee... :P

shinta lestari
shinta lestari January 4, 2010 4:38 pm

ninit, bundanyahanna, kucingpenidur - thanks! kadang soalnya makin kesini kita suka lupa. apalagi yang ibu bapaknya kerja (kayak gue), kalo dengan ngasih kado si anak udah bakal happy. ini pun sebenernya tips yang jadi pegangan gue, kalo materi emang bisa dicari tapi bukan jadi pengganti untuk waktu kita bersama anak.

thalia - iya gue juga mesti work on #2 and #3. di singapore susah ngejalanin yang #2, karena ga liat langsung, tapi kalo di jakarta pasti sehari2 deh. nah kalo #3, ini nunggu naia gedean.. lah sekarang aja masih suka takut ama orang.. hehe..

jamie - hahah.. berarti ke ayla juga mesti diterapin tuh. gotta work for the mullah, girl!

Jemima Iskandar
Jemima Iskandar January 4, 2010 2:59 pm

I need more lesson on number 1!! Thanks Shin!!