Baby Legs is the answer.
My 3mos old son, Arzachel loves them! It's also a hassle free job when I change his diaper because they are like tights only they don't cover the diaper. He's very happy and comfortable wearing baby legs.
Babylegs can be worn from birth to adulthood. Yes, we (mama) can also wear them as stylish arm warmers.
*picture courtesy of baby legs utk anak cowok ya...suka ngiler liatnya tp beberapa kali ke toko bayi yg jual blg cuma buat cewek :(
kalo gini asik bs pake jumper pendek tp ga kedinginan dan ga ribet bukanya
Ninit...ini salah satu perlengkapan andalannya Diba...kepake dari masih baby banget sampai sekarang 27bulan. Emaknya sih sbenernya naksir juga pengen make, tapi malu ama umur hehhee. Waktu itu beli pas lagi sale di Spore, nitip temen yg ke sana, jadi kalap deh....
hadeeeeuh nambah daftar belanjaan pernak perniknya Bumi niy.. pusyiiingg soalnya baru tauk ada baby leg..hohoho btw, nice article! thanks mba ninit!
Kalo di perancis jarang sekali nemuin yg utk bayi, yg ada malah buat dewasa :-(
Pernah lihat di internet, bisa bikin sendiri sih transformasi dari kaos kaki dewasa:
oo di singapore yaah... kebetulan banget nyokap lg liburan ke sana. kalo ketemu, ada yg mau nitip?