Pregnancy Style Diary

Oleh shinta lestari pada Rabu, 23 Desember 2009
Seputar Style & Gears

Awhile ago, I stumbled upon pictures I took at work while I was pregnant and later until I gave birth.  I thought it was interesting that when I put them together I can see clearly how my body has changed from before I knew I was pregnant, during pregnancy and after I gave birth.  Within the first year after I gave birth I can see clearly how much weight I have lost and how I gained my shape back (though of course, never the same again!)

I found out I was pregnant by end of July '07 and gave birth to a baby girl on April '08. 

Before & First Trimester

Second Trimester

Second Trimester

Third Trimester

Third Trimester

Post-Birth & Transformation to Present


17 Komentar
titi esti
titi esti October 1, 2010 3:05 pm

seneng banget liat foto mbak Slestaaa... cantik dan segerrrr...
(haruskah aku hamil ke-6 buat dipoto-poto? ) bisa dimarahin kader posyandu nih..

emil October 1, 2010 1:03 pm

Slestaaaa..cantik bangeeeeett..modis pulak :D
Idenya keren inspiring..bsk2 klo dikasih rejeki hamil lg,mau jg aaahhh bikin beginian *klo ga mls dandannya :D

meralda February 18, 2010 12:10 pm

cantiiiiiknya.... auranya keluar bgt di second trimester... so shining!

shinta lestari
shinta lestari February 16, 2010 6:27 pm

@eka - haduh, jadi blushing nih.. thanks, eka! gue gak langsing kok.. bener deh!

@elisa - don't worry.. tar juga turun kok, apalagi kalo anaknya udah mulai aktif. huhuuu.. capek deh ngejarinnya.

@dessy - iya des, lahirannya normal. kayaknya bisa kok lahiran cesar, balik lagi perutnya. mesti olahraga kok itu sih!

Dessy Ristianto
Dessy Ristianto February 12, 2010 6:47 pm

mba slesta lahirannya normal yaa?? jadi bisa kempes lagi perutnya??

aq lahiran cesar, perut kaya masih ada yg ketinggalan (seperti masih hamil 4 bulan)

qra2 bisa g yaa kaya model diatas :P....??