Awhile ago, I stumbled upon pictures I took at work while I was pregnant and later until I gave birth. I thought it was interesting that when I put them together I can see clearly how my body has changed from before I knew I was pregnant, during pregnancy and after I gave birth. Within the first year after I gave birth I can see clearly how much weight I have lost and how I gained my shape back (though of course, never the same again!)
I found out I was pregnant by end of July '07 and gave birth to a baby girl on April '08.
Before & First Trimester
Second Trimester
Third Trimester
Post-Birth & Transformation to Present
seneng banget liat foto mbak Slestaaa... cantik dan segerrrr...
(haruskah aku hamil ke-6 buat dipoto-poto? ) bisa dimarahin kader posyandu nih..
Slestaaaa..cantik bangeeeeett..modis pulak :D
Idenya keren inspiring..bsk2 klo dikasih rejeki hamil lg,mau jg aaahhh bikin beginian *klo ga mls dandannya :D
cantiiiiiknya.... auranya keluar bgt di second trimester... so shining!
@eka - haduh, jadi blushing nih.. thanks, eka! gue gak langsing kok.. bener deh!
@elisa - don't worry.. tar juga turun kok, apalagi kalo anaknya udah mulai aktif. huhuuu.. capek deh ngejarinnya.
@dessy - iya des, lahirannya normal. kayaknya bisa kok lahiran cesar, balik lagi perutnya. mesti olahraga kok itu sih!
mba slesta lahirannya normal yaa?? jadi bisa kempes lagi perutnya??
aq lahiran cesar, perut kaya masih ada yg ketinggalan (seperti masih hamil 4 bulan)
qra2 bisa g yaa kaya model diatas :P....??