DIY Stuffed Felt Christmas Tree Decoration

Oleh thalia kamarga pada Selasa, 20 Desember 2011
Seputar Do-It-Yourself

Now that aina is 4 years old and interested in sewing, we decided that the Christmas Tree Project for this year is sewing a small felt decoration. It is more advanced than the drawing decoration we did two years ago, but it is still a fairly simple sewing project.

All we need is just different color felt, embroidery threads, glue (U-HU works well) and pretty ribbons for hanging. and we have most of those in our craft stash anyway.

I started with sketching some easy peasy designs so that Aina can sew them.

sewing felt xmas tree decoration

Aina wanted to start with the Xmas tree design. So, we cut the felt to shape. I sew the ribbon on to the tree first and showing Aina how to do it.

sewing felt xmas tree decoration

sewing felt xmas tree decoration

And as soon as she's confident enough in sewing, she took it away... it turns out that sewing seems to come naturally for her. Of course the stitches aren't even and quite all over the place, but she didn't poke herself at all! That was a surprise.

sewing felt xmas tree decoration

sewing felt xmas tree decoration

After all the sewing, we put the stuffing into the tree to make it a little chubbier.

sewing felt xmas tree decoration

Then, it comes the fun part... glueing the colorful dots onto the tree! We cut all different colors of felt and Aina got to glue them.

sewing felt xmas tree decoration

sewing felt xmas tree decoration

And, VIOLA! The felt tree is done!

sewing felt xmas tree decoration

We then continue making the rest of the faces. I did all the felt cutting. Aina did most of the stitches and glueing. I did rudolph's antlers because it was too small and delicate. Aina added a girl elf, which wasn't in the design, so we ended up with 5 things to hang this christmas :

sewing felt xmas tree decoration

sewing felt xmas tree decoration

sewing felt xmas tree decoration

sewing felt xmas tree decoration

Aina was very excited in decorating the tree... along with the 2009's coloring and the 2010's ball decorations, the tree is getting more full. I think it's looking better and better each year :)

sewing felt xmas tree decoration

sewing felt xmas tree decoration

sewing felt xmas tree decoration

sewing felt xmas tree decoration

24 Komentar
Eka Gobel
Eka Gobel December 4, 2012 12:08 am

aaaw lucunyaa.. aina pinter banget, serius sekali :) keren, binggi!

ifa December 20, 2011 5:02 pm

wahh bagusssnya :D aina jagoan bs jait dr kecil!

thalia kamarga
thalia kamarga December 21, 2011 7:02 pm

thank you, fa... hihi, masih mencong2 banget. lebih seru ngelemnya sebenernya kok :D

TesA December 20, 2011 3:25 pm

Waaww very inspiring :) TFS yah!

thalia kamarga
thalia kamarga December 21, 2011 7:01 pm

thank you, tesa! :D

mommy lael
mommy lael December 20, 2011 1:27 pm

ga sabar nunggu my baby boy gede biar bisa nglakuin mommy and son things together...

thalia kamarga
thalia kamarga December 20, 2011 2:56 pm

iya, enaknya kalo udah toddler keatas, udah bisa diajak2 main bareng :D

Gabriella F
Gabriella F December 20, 2011 12:50 pm

aduuuuh lucunya... pengen bikinnnnn...
tahun ini gak sempet bikin apa2...
cuma kartu2 aja...

thalia kamarga
thalia kamarga December 20, 2011 2:56 pm

padahal taun lalu sempet ya, la? yuk, bikin2 lagi. yang ini mayan gampang nih... kalo males jait, pake lem aja.


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