Graco Junior Maxi Car Seat

Oleh Desy Khoirunnisa Rahman pada Kamis, 28 Juni 2012
Seputar Product Reviews

At 9.5 months old, my baby daughter is starting to look like she's too big for her maxi cosi infant car seat. Furthermore, she always wants to face forward, making us afraid she'd sprain her neck trying to look at the other direction, so we decided it's time for us to get her a new car seat.

My husband & I didn't want to get a group 1 type, simply because we don't want to buy another one after she turns four. We want to go straight to the the type that we can later use just as a booster. Based on friends' experiences, and reading forums, we came to a conclusion that as long as your baby can already sit unassisted, then type 2 is would work just fine.

My first choice was this Evenflo car seat


(image from

I had read about it in The Urban Mama forum, and I remember thinking, "This will be Baby Q's next car seat!". So when the time came, I searched for it at my regular Baby Shop at ITC Kuningan, and found it! But then the guy assembled it, and as it turned out, not only was it a bit complicated to assemble, it could not be reclined. So I had to change my mind, and decided to go with Graco's Junior Maxi.

And I couldn't be happier. It was very easy to assemble, no hassle at all. It can be reclined to as far as your car's seat can. However this feature can't be maximized if your car is a Jazz/the likes, since the back seat can't be reclined that far back. The hand rest height can also be adjusted according to your child's height. And of course it's got those cup holders, one on each side. (I'm beginning to think this is a standard toddler car seat feature) At IDR 550K, I'd say this is a real value-for-money car seat.

Since it's meant for slightly bigger kids, Baby Q still lacks a bit in height to fit in the car seat, but that's something easy to solve. All we did was just fold a blanket, used it as a cushion, and voila - she's good to go!

She was very happy to be able to look at the road, and she looks comfortable in it, too. She was able to sleep in  it after the second ride (I think she was too excited the first time, she couldn't sleep even though she was already very sleepy). But afterwards, she could sleep just fine, with the help of her benbat travel friend :)


Aqila in her new car seat, with her folded blanket as a cushion, sleeping safe & sound.

9 Komentar
MommyKalev September 4, 2012 4:09 pm

semoga anaknya benar nyaman ya...
soalnya saya lihatnya juga kasihan :(

Desy Khoirunnisa Rahman July 2, 2012 3:38 pm

Terima kasih lho ibu2 atas inputnya.

Sebelum membeli car seat ini sudah banyak tanya2 sama teman2, dan saya dan suami menyimpulkan asal sudah bisa duduk tegak sendiri unassisted, sudah bisa pakai yang front facing (biasanya anjurannya 1 tahun sih kl hasil desk research). Kita juga udah mikir kalau kayaknya uncomfortable (seat belt mengganggu leher, etc) tidak akan dipakai. Tapi ternyata dia baik2 saja, jadi kita teruskan. Aqila juga nda pernah sendirian duduk di belakang, makanya kita berani dengan model ini :)

kucingkecil July 2, 2012 2:59 pm

wah kayaknya babynya masih terlalu kecil untuk car seat model begitu. anjurannya bayi masih duduk di car seat hadap belakang sampai 2 tahun kan? (atau minimal setahun)

Siti Sheppard
Siti Sheppard June 29, 2012 6:19 pm

klo disini, umur segitu masih belum boleh pake car seat itu, mom. car seat yang begitu untuk anak umur 4 tahunan. aku beli car seat yang convertible, bisa dari infant sampe si anak umur 4 tahunan. baru beralih ke booster. disini sangat ketat sekali urusan car seat. kadang bisa di tilang klo masang car seat nya gak bener.

Laila Alexis
Laila Alexis June 28, 2012 1:18 pm

warna biru carseatnya-nya bajuuss,,, **banci biru :P
modelnya miriip sama babydoes yg Yira pake (babydoes bisa reclined, bisa jadi booster juga n extra 5 point seatbelt).


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