Happy Little Feet!

Oleh shinta lestari pada Rabu, 23 Desember 2009
Seputar Tips

Did you know that kid's feet are often wide in proportion to length?  That's why it's important to make sure their little feet are not cramped at the sides when wearing shoes.  A bad fitting can cause kids to develop ingrown toe nails, corns and calluses.  

When we thought of the little feet, we sometimes think that they can just take any kind of shoes, as long as they're cute.  Wrong!  Those little feet are growing, therefore they need good pair of soles to wear around.  Here are the tips what to look out before buying a new pair for them:

happy little feet



The sole provides cushioning, traction as well as flexibility.  Try not to get shoes with bulky soles as it can make younger kids clumsy.  Ensure that shoes fit properly from the start. They should not be "broken in".

These should be made from absorbent material and well-secured to the sole of the shoe.  Padded insoles are fine, but young kids typically do not need arch supports until they are six years old.

Shoe Uppers
This refers to everything that's on the shoe above the sole, and consists of the heel counter, toe box, tongue and laces, straps or buckles.  Ensure that these are stitched or glued well to soles.

However, when they do not need to wear those little pairs, encourage them to go barefoot.  This allows young feet to develop and strengthen.

*images from www.babble.com and www.mamanista.com
*tips are taken & rewritten from an article in women's weekly singapore

10 Komentar
Shinantya Prijomustiko
Shinantya Prijomustiko January 14, 2010 10:04 pm

thanks for sharing mbak shinta :)

shinta lestari
shinta lestari January 8, 2010 11:16 am

lia - you're welcome! semoga berguna ya..

shinantya - kalo menurut gue, baiknya waktu belajar jalan jangan dipakein spatu, karena jalan pake sepatu dan gak pake sepatu itu beda 'feel' nya. kalo gue dulu, naia dari bayi udah dipakein sepatu, tapi yang lucu2 itu, lebih untuk feet warmer aja sih kalo kata gue. tapi pas dia udah mulai mau jalan, dipakein sepatu hanya kalo keluar rumah, jadi ngebiasain kalo keluar rumah harus pake sepatu, tapi di dalam rumah boleh nyeker.

Shinantya Prijomustiko
Shinantya Prijomustiko January 3, 2010 9:52 pm

dear mamas,

sebenernya mulai umur berapa sih dibiasain pake sepatu?
trus kalau belajar jalan itu bagusan nyeker atau bersepatu?

lia December 22, 2009 3:28 pm

tips yang amat sangat berguna. thanks yah shin!

shinta lestari
shinta lestari December 22, 2009 8:20 am

eka - when it fits right, we looove! heheh..

thalia - iya kakinya aina kebalikan yah? anomali nih. jadi itu PR deh buat mama papanya nyari sepatu yang enak dipake buat aina :P

kucing penidur - ur welcome! hope it helps..

ninit - sure nit! :)

jemima - fortunately zara kids' shoes justru paling pas tuh buat anaknya thalia, aina. dengan kaki yang panjang & narrow.


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