Written by Alison Mackonochie, this book was my go-to book for the basic knowledge of applying baby sign language.
Years ago before I got pregnant, I came across a TV program about baby sign language. It was very interesting to me and it kept on my mind that I want to apply it whenever I have a baby. So when I found out I was pregnant, this book was the first one I picked up on the bookstore and started learning all the basics of the sign language.
When Naia was born, I did practice the sign language with her. I requested everyone to do that with her so the signing is consistent. It worked cuz Naia started to sign back a little. Then, too many people were around her (read: grandparents) and they were not consistently signing to her. So she got confused and stopped signing. We stopped too but by then, she already started to talk and let us know what she wants by telling us with her baby language.
Nonetheless, this book really helps me learning about the baby sign language and I totally recommend it to all urban mamas (and papas) who want to teach your baby to sign.
The book has all the necessary things you need to prepare yourself and your baby to start signing. It also has pictures on how to sign the basic instructions. Truly helpful!
slesta, gw ud nyari di QB, Aksara dll.. tapi dimana mana abis,, disana gampang ga sih nyarinya? sapa tau gw bisa nitip :p
These days you can translate anything into very rare languages. I even found a translation from Eng To Guj for example, it's amazing. I didn't even know before that there's such a language but it's very cool that now you can make this kind of translation and basically speak the local language anywhere in the world, I think it's really cool. I hope that someone can use it.
bagus banget kayanya nih... tengkyu infonya ya :)
wah aku kayaknya sekarang ada di masa2 yang pas banget untuk nerapin ke nina (6bln). mau cari ah. buku ini ada yang dalam terjemahan bahasa indonesia ga ya? di gramed ada ga ya?
aduh penting banget deh ini bukunya, aku mau beli! terima kasih yaa udah review buku ini. jadi semangat mau coba ke kinar. thanks shinta! :)
I've heard of this walaupun ngga pernah di praktekin. I heard it really works. It's a bit too late now sih since Ayla's 3 and all.