Surprisingly, quite a lot of people asked me about the Sola stroller. So here’s an honest review from a satisfied customer.
The first time I looked into strollers, I wanted a super-stylish looking one. Either the Silver Cross Surf or the Stokke Xplory.
I fell in love with the way they look. As well as with MacLaren XLR, Bugaboo Bee - but somehow, none of the strollers finally became the first stroller for my newborn baby Louis.
I love the Sola buggy the moment I laid my eyes on it.
It’s sturdy, modern, stylish and just beautiful. A bit big – 8.5 kg altogether chassis and seat, but it’s so pretty and it looks so comfortable for a baby. Super friendly price as well (almost half the Xplory/Surf). I had no second thought – I just bought it (in Truffle) and a few days later it arrived at my office, all wrapped up, ready to be opened like a huge Christmas present.
And so far, we’ve been happy. At first, Louis's daddy said that it was a bit too much, taking up a lot of space, but as we also have the Peg Perego Pliko Mini for comparison (gift from my cousins – review on the P3 later on in another article) and even though P3 Mini is kind of practical, Sola is much better in maneuver, sturdiness and comfort.
Louis also loves his Sola! Most of the time he’s riding on it, he stays calm and happy.
Mamas & Papas Sola
Plus Points:
- Sturdy.
- Comfortable for baby.
- Can be used from newborn (total recline) up to 25 kg (approx 4 years old).
- Stylish.
- Colorful.
- Great maneuver.
- Seat can be taken off and the sales lady said it could be used as a carseat – we’ve never tried it though, since Louis has another carseat already.
- Friendly price.
- Raincover is big and covers everything.
- The basket under the seat used to put things is also quite big.
Minus Points:
- A bit heavy, 8.5 kg total weight.
- Chassis is kinda big even when folded.
- It’s not an umbrella stroller so not folded easily with one hand – you have to use both hands.
- Taking up quite big place – you need a car with a big trunk to bring it everywhere.
But so far, we’ve been VERY HAPPY with Sola. It also exists in several super pretty colors.
hello mom, sola keren juga yah... lagi nyari review about urbo- nya mamas papas, ngliat ini kerennn juga ^^
Hi... lucu banget baby Louis :) pas banget nih lagi nyari review si Sola ini, niat hati awalnya mau beli Combi Miracle Turn Premiere karena ringan & ringkas tapi kebetulan di toko yg kita lihat ada Sola, kok langsung tergoda hehe... pas dijejerin dua2nya kayaknya mata gak bisa menipu yaa, Sola emang stylish banget & my hubby pun suka banget krn emang sturdy ketimbang Combi & manuvernya pun cukup canggih, yg paling penting sih karena bisa menghadap ke kita juga. Akhirnya beli Sola deh ya walaupun agak bulky ya tapi gpp deh nt utk travelling nyari yg lain aja toh belum ada rencana kemana2 in the next few months :) tadinya pengen yg denim tapi ternyata out of stock & harus nunggu sebulan :( keburu brojol ni my baby untung truffle ada stock jadilah ambil yg truffle aja :) Mau tanya dong... katanya compatible sama car seat maxi cosi cabrio fix ya? tapi adaptor nya gak ada nih... kalo Peachmargarita pakai car seat apa ya? beli adaptornya dimana? TIA yaaa... :)
Wah satu cLub niy baby Louis ama Aisha, we Love our soLa, too...
Best vaLues d pokoknya. Tp buat travelling agak merepotkan krn bongsor, good reason for buying another stroller ^__^
Mungkin peg perego pliko mini seperti baby Louis. Ditunggu reviewnya ya mommy Louis. Thanx
Meski udah jarang pake stroller, teteeeup suka naksir sama stroller2 lucu gini :) ah louis lucu bgt deeeh :)
<3 Mamas & Papas! :) :) :)