During our last trip to our hometown, we found that baby chairs can rarely be found in restaurants. So, we thought Sack and Seat – a portable chair transformer, was the answer to our problem.
Banyak orang tua merasa ragu untuk bepergian bersama bayinya, terutama lewat jalan darat yang membutuhkan waktu yang lama. Now, worry no more, urban Mama and Papa! Dalam artikel ini saya akan berbagi pengalaman dan tips saya agar perjalanan menjadi menyenangkan.
Claimed as a talc-free baby powder, Baby Bee Dusting Powder by Burt's Bees is my choice of baby powder for my baby. Learn why talc-free is a better option for your loved ones, than the traditional baby powder!
After a short visit to visit relatives during Lebaran Holiday, I noticed my daughter started to develop a new phobia, meeting new strangers! It took us a while to gain her confidence back, thanks to the tips I stumbled upon in the magazine.