Sack and Seat

Oleh Icha Rahmanti pada Rabu, 24 Februari 2010
Seputar Product Reviews

During our last trip to our hometown, we found that baby chairs can rarely be found in restaurants. Since we want our one year old baby to be sitting together with us during meal times, we thought Sack and Seat – a portable chair transformer, was the answer to our problem. Plus, we think this product could come in handy in Singapore when we eat at hawker centres.

Besides being portable, it’s easy to wash and quite comfy to sit on. When it's not in use, it can be folded into a cute little carrying pouch.

According to the warning label, it should be safe for babies 8 months and older, as long as they are not more than 16 kg.

Unfortunately, the Sack and Seat does not solve all our problems at the dining table. First of all, the Sack and Seat does not make a regular chair taller. To reach the right height for the table, we often have to stack a few chairs before putting on the Sack and Seat on top (like the picture below).

Secondly, as babies get older, strapping them to the Sack and Seat can itself be a very challenging task. Then, once you have your baby strapped in, having him/her sit still for the whole meal is another story. On good days, our son can sit in it for an hour. But in bad days, he can only last for ten minutes. So as our son gets older, we have been using it less and less.

Now, my stand on this product is: it’s nice to have one, but you should be OK without one as well.

Does it live up to my expectations? Well, does your baby’s behaviour always meet your expectations? ^_*

Ps: During my last trip to Bandung I found a Chinese brand which looks exactly like Sack and Seat. It has the same functionality, so most likely it will perform as well as the original product. Its cheaper and it comes in several nice flowery patterns.


15 Komentar
Mommy @Breexavi August 14, 2010 11:25 am

Hai mama salam kenal udah nyari2 blm ketemu sack n seatnya, bisa dibeli di mana? Maaci ya

Icha Rahmanti
Icha Rahmanti April 19, 2010 12:04 pm

@Lussy di Eikman say, namanya MIVI, ada di bagian depan gitu deh, deket beha2 menyusui, dan baju anak cewek. Semoba ketemu ya :)

Lussy Permatasari
Lussy Permatasari April 10, 2010 2:30 pm

@mbak icha : baby shop di bdg namanya apa? Sy sdh cari yang di daerah dago kok gak jual ya.. @ mbak uci : nama online shop yang jual sack n seat apa ya ? @ mbak shinta : kalo sack n seat nya mau dijual, lemme know yee :)

Sitha February 26, 2010 7:22 pm

Anak saya starting pakai Sack n Seat ini saat usianya sekitar 8 bulan. Sampai skrg (usia 10 bln) memang blm ada masalah krn dia anteng kl makan. Tp ngga tahu juga nanti. So thank's udah sharing. At least bisa predict kl someday si unyil melintir2 di dalam Sack n Seat-nya (hehe...). O iya, setuju Mbak Icha, kadang memang hrs disumpel spy bisa tinggi duduknya.

Fyi, kl ada yg mau bikin travel seat spt ini, saya pernah liat pola dan tutorial di internet *wish I could sew*

uci February 25, 2010 8:41 am

icha....ak dah liat di online shop gitu jg banyak tapi blm tau sih kualitas bahannya...coba tar diliat liat deh...

iya gapapa cha....kebetulan my ex boss yg tinggal disana yg aku titipin...hehehe.... thank u eniwei...kisskiss buat rafe....