She's a mother of three, i'm a mother of two. She's happily married to a comedian, i'm happily married to a comedy writer. She used to struggle to get her kids to eat right while i'm still struggling to get my son to eat right. That's why i bought her book, "Deceptively Delicious".
We've been wanting to take the boys away from the city, away from the malls and dirty playgrounds, hoping for them to experience nature in a way we never get a chance to do when we were living in Jakarta.
The idea is to have Aina make the Christmas tree decorations. But since she’s still too small, we had to help her with the drawing, cutting and glueing.
Begitu banyak pilihan baby wearing yang ditawarkan. Ada satu produk yang sangat saya rekomendasikan untuk anda. Tidak hanya urban mama, bahkan urban papa juga bisa memakainya.
Bila Anda berpikir untuk mengijinkan anak Anda bermain komputer, tidak perlu terlalu khawatir karena sistem operasi komputer biasanya dilengkapi dengan Parental Controls. Tulisan ini membahas Parental Controls di komputer Apple.