Melepas Babysitter

Melepas Babysitter

Apa mau di kata. Akhirnya saya join juga dengan grup Mama di seluruh Indonesia yang mencari ART.
Sola by Mamas & Papas

Sola by Mamas & Papas

Surprisingly, quite a lot of people asked me about the Sola stroller. So here’s an honest review from a satisfied customer.
Wonderful Hypnobirthing Experience

Wonderful Hypnobirthing Experience

I firstly knew the term of hypno-birthing when my friend shared her delivery experience. She said, by practicing it since she was 3 months pregnancy, the delivery went smooth, the contraction pain was relatively bearable, and her baby was practically pretty calm afterwards.
Merry Christmas 2011

Merry Christmas 2011

Kami, The Urban Mama Family mengucapkan Selamat Natal 2011 bagi urban Mama Papa yang merayakannya.
Mencari Asuransi Jiwa (Termlife)

Mencari Asuransi Jiwa (Termlife)

Senang sekali melihat bahwa semakin banyak urban Mama Papa yang tahu tentang asuransi termlife. Mungkin ini pengaruh edukasi dari para financial planner profesional yang belakangan makin gencar mendidik masyarakat.
TUM's 2nd Anniversary Photo Contest Winners

TUM's 2nd Anniversary Photo Contest Winners

Ini dia para pemenang kontes foto dalam rangka #TUM2Tahun. Selamat!
How I Met The Urban Mama

How I Met The Urban Mama

Yes, it takes a village to raise a family. And I firmly believed that TUM came real-close to an ideal “village” that every parent could dream of.
Dua Tahun The Urban Mama

Dua Tahun The Urban Mama

Tidak terasa sudah dua tahun lebih The Urban Mama hadir menemani perjalanan urban Mama Papa dalam membesarkan si kecil yang tercinta.
iCoo Pluto 2011

iCoo Pluto 2011

Saya baru menyadari bahwa mertua memberikan stroller i’Coo Pluto 2011 ini untuk Nayara. So far, saya puas sekali dengan stroller ini dan (masih) enggan berpaling ke lain stroller.
DIY Stuffed Felt Christmas Tree Decoration

DIY Stuffed Felt Christmas Tree Decoration

Our Christmas Tree Project for this year is sewing a small felt decoration. It is more advanced than the drawing decorations we did two years ago, but it is still a fairly simple sewing project.