I love taking pictures of Jae when she's busy playing with her toys. I’m not a professional photographer but every time I follow her around trying to stay in the background I feel like I’m one doing a photo essay project. Depends on what she’s doing or how she’s dressed, I treat her like a character in a movie or a children’s book. And this particular series turns into a short story.
Mummy said I was the only giraffe in the block. Well that's okay because I can play by myself. Look at me going woo-hoo!

And now let's go to where all the fun things are, little car!

It's just you and me. Wow, I'm having so much fun! yoo-hoo!

But, why didn't you say anything, little car?
Okay, its not fun to play by myself all the time...

Maybe a giraffe likes to hide in a ball? or under this play mat.
There you are! There you are!

Oh no, there's nothing here.
No there's no giraffe here either.

Maybe I can find a giraffe here. The sheep whispered to me two giraffes were on board.

But mummy said I was the only giraffe in the block.

I hope that's not true. :)
iya, aku jg t'tarik bgt sm walkernya mom.. merknya apa?
kebetulan lg nyari niy :"D
@inga @thalia kamarga thank you aunties! cium sayang dari si jerapah kecil :)
@Dita W. Ichwandardi sejak jae lahir kepingin banget bisa bikin cerita anak tapi ga bisa2. foto ternyata yg bikin inspirasi keluar.
@Chrisye Wenas hihi jangan2 ya! aku pm aja deh. :)
@ninit yunita adhitya terima kasih tante! iya sengaja dikasih kamar main sendiri, krn mamanya pusing ruangan yg lain udah abis diacak2. hehehe... :p kayaknya clodinya pernah dibahas deh, tapi lupa di bagian mana. panjang banget sih. :)
@meralda jibrani hehehe jae kembaran bouncernya sm gilby. sama juga, memangku jae pun udah gak kuat lagi.
@medy iya, dia kalau main serius banget. beneran deh playing is working for babies.
@babybenz walker dan mobil mininya itu jadi satu. value for money! :D waktu itu aku belinya di debenhams karawaci. ada 2 pilihan warna. mungkin di debenhams lain ada juga.
@Pangastuti Sri Handayani ini jadi salah satu favorit ibunya. sama banget kesannya sama @Iffah Santosa. :)
Clodinya bagus banget :)
Waaaa...lucu banget Jae dgn action2nya...so cute :), kayanya dia heboh deh dgn dunia mainannya itu ya...hihi
Btw aku interested bgt deh sama mainan walker yg di 1st pic, dan mobil mininya itu (in the 3rd-5th pic). Bole tau ga belinya dimana hihi...Kalo keberatan ditulis disini boleh lwt PM? Thanks alot ya :D
LOL..Nice picture and story..Jae anteng ya main sendiri...