Book Reviews
Buku Pintar yang Benar-benar Pintar

Buku Pintar yang Benar-benar Pintar

Buku pintar yang ini benar-benar tau tentang segala hal. Fun, weird, but true facts about the universe, these books knows all!
What to Expect The First Year

What to Expect The First Year

Baby's First Year? First time mom like me? Or even a seasoned pro?This book totally helps me developing my parenting style. Just like The Urban Mama said, "there is always a different story in every parenting style".
Traveling Man - The Journey Of Ibn Battuta

Traveling Man - The Journey Of Ibn Battuta

Awalnya ketemu buku ini gak sengaja. Tahun 2005 lagi pengen baca tentang Ibn Batutta dan beli buku di amazon. Pas udah nyampe ternyata buku anak-anak.
Baby-Led Weaning. Helping Your Baby To Love Good Food.

Baby-Led Weaning. Helping Your Baby To Love Good Food.

Baby-led Weaning explodes the myth that babies need to be spoon-fed and shows why self-feeding from the start of the weaning process is the healthiest way for your child to develop.
Memahami Anak Rewel

Memahami Anak Rewel

"Why my baby is so different? Other babies sleep through the night and are happy being held by anyone. What am I doing wrong?"
Menggendong Anak Itu Perlu

Menggendong Anak Itu Perlu

Attachment parenting is a style of caring for your infant that brings out the best in the baby and the best in the parents. Buku yang baru selesai saya baca ini menjelaskan metoda attachment parenting untuk anda, urban Mamas dan Papas.
Fathering Your Toddler

Fathering Your Toddler

Buku ini ditulis oleh Armin A. Brott dengan perspektif dari seorang ayah. Sangat berguna buat first-time dad seperti saya!
Deceptively Delicious: Simple Secrets to Get Your Kids Eating Good Food

Deceptively Delicious: Simple Secrets to Get Your Kids Eating Good Food

She's a mother of three, i'm a mother of two. She's happily married to a comedian, i'm happily married to a comedy writer. She used to struggle to get her kids to eat right while i'm still struggling to get my son to eat right. That's why i bought her book, "Deceptively Delicious".
Baby Sign Language

Baby Sign Language

Want to know more about the basics of Baby Sign Language? This book is a must read!
Outliers: The Story of Success

Outliers: The Story of Success

Buku Outliers yang ditulis oleh Malcolm Gladwell bukan sebuah buku tentang parenting. Tapi saya menilai buku ini adalah sebuah buku yang penting bagi semua parents yang sedang mendesain tangga kesuksesan untuk anak-anak mereka.