Baby's First Year? First time mom like me? Or even a seasoned pro?This book totally helps me developing my parenting style. Just like The Urban Mama said, "there is always a different story in every parenting style".
Baby-led Weaning explodes the myth that babies need to be spoon-fed and shows why self-feeding from the start of the weaning process is the healthiest way for your child to develop.
Attachment parenting is a style of caring for your infant that brings out the best in the baby and the best in the parents. Buku yang baru selesai saya baca ini menjelaskan metoda attachment parenting untuk anda, urban Mamas dan Papas.
She's a mother of three, i'm a mother of two. She's happily married to a comedian, i'm happily married to a comedy writer. She used to struggle to get her kids to eat right while i'm still struggling to get my son to eat right. That's why i bought her book, "Deceptively Delicious".
Buku Outliers yang ditulis oleh Malcolm Gladwell bukan sebuah buku tentang parenting. Tapi saya menilai buku ini adalah sebuah buku yang penting bagi semua parents yang sedang mendesain tangga kesuksesan untuk anak-anak mereka.