Morning Walk

Oleh shinta lestari pada Kamis, 31 Desember 2009
Seputar Activities

When we used to live in HDB (flats) complex, taking a morning walk means going to the market downstairs to buy grocery and sometimes just to go visit the playground or just plainly taking a walk in the morning around the apartment complex.  Since I'm working, this activity can only be done on weekends though Naia usually go with her nanny too when I'm already at work.

Though we may not really do it every weekend, I'd always love to have it.  The walk usually takes around 30-45 minutes.  I usually just brought some snacks and water or juice for during the walk, comfortable pair of shoes for myself and Naia.  Sometimes, we went only in our pajamas :) but definitely had our sunblock on.

Morning Walk with Naia 1

Recently, we moved to our own apartment right across the Reservoir in the east part of Singapore.  It was a blessing that our apartment complex was just steps away from the Reservoir (and also one of the big reason we chose it).  So after we have settled down in the new apartment, the activity continues.  I love how the walk really gives a bonding experience between me and my daughter.  And since the walk now takes place within the Reservoir area, I can introduce Naia to nature too.  From the walk around the lake, watching the canoes, visits to the playground, playing with sands or running on the grass area, she just loves it!

Morning Walk with Naia 2

Later, as Naia grows up, I can see us taking the hiking trail and I teach her how to bike there too.  And maybe, start to take her along in the jogging trail with me.  That would be fun and I can't wait!

16 Komentar
musdalifa anas
musdalifa anas February 20, 2010 8:02 pm

Naia... dede Lana mo kenalan. Ntar klo Lana ke sana diajak ya morning walk di reservoir itu :)

shinta lestari
shinta lestari January 7, 2010 8:57 am

@dewdew - mau maen kesini gak dew? :)

@ati - alhamdulillah, we are grateful everyday!

@ilzie - makasih mamanya abi. ah itu juga seru, jalan2 sambil belanja. dulu waktu kita masih tinggal di HDB juga gitu, jalan2nya ke pasar. sejak pindah ke apt ini, udah ga ada pasar yang deket2.. jadi jalan2nya ke reservoir.

ica iLzie
ica iLzie January 5, 2010 9:19 pm

waaa.... asik ya tempatnya...
naia cantik banget. dan baru sadar, mirip ya ama shinta :D

kalo abi jalan2 paginya ke pasar kedip tegal parang. ikutan belanja sayur. hihi. asiknya sih jadi belajar banyak. lihat sayuran, buah, ceker ayam, dll. heuheu :p
tapi bad side-nya jadi terbiasa ngelihat kita belanja melulu kyknya abi jadi mewarisi bakat emaknya, pengennya bela-beli. hihihi...

Ati January 5, 2010 9:26 am

hahaha mba dew.. gituh deh ya nasib kita di sini, nyari taman yg enak susah. tempat gw malah lagi di bangun banjir kanal timur, jadi yg ada debuuuu mulu :(
bersyukur banget deh shinta :)

dewdew January 4, 2010 9:16 am

Shiiin....iri deh liat reservoir. Di gue paling deket Danau UI :D airnya juga mengkhawatirkan.

Awan kalo liat itu pasti udah nyemplung. :D


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