Aina's First Day of School

Oleh thalia kamarga pada Rabu, 20 Juni 2012
Seputar Our Stories

aina's first day of school

Yes, big milestone for us. For aina and for me!

The preparation came many many weeks prior to this day. She’s using the schoolbag she got from Naia’s birthday present. We made sure that she had the utensils (spoon, fork and chopsticks) and water bottle… a few days before the school started, her aunt brought her a gift of Mei & Totoro water bottle. It is now her new favorite.

For uniforms, I’m also trying to figure out how to do the laundry the most effective way. After a few days of tinkering, I figured out how to wash and clean her uniform without ironing. I hate ironing, and have managed to do NO IRONING for the past 19 years… and I wasn’t planning to start again.

So, other than uniforms and all physical preparations, there were mental preparations to be done, too.

Last year, she refused to go to school because she said she’ll miss me and didn’t want to be separated from me at all. So we waited for another year. Then, starting 6 months ago, Aina decided that she wanted to go to school and said that she’ll be okay without me and Snowy around.

But a week before school started, she got cold feet and told me that she’s worried she’ll miss me and Snowy during class. She even cried quietly when she told me about it. After a long discussion, Aina and I agreed that if she has photos of me and Snowy in her bag, she can take a look at them and they will make her feel better when she’s missing us. So, we printed 5 of her favorite pictures of us and put them in her bag.

We also exchanged and stored each other’s kisses. I gave her about 20-30 kisses and put it in her bag, and she gave me hers too. Supposedly, when she misses me, she’ll take one kiss (she calls it heart, because she thinks kisses are shaped like hearts) out of her bag and puts it on her lips. So sweet :)

After all these, Aina felt very ready to go to school. There were kids crying left and right on the gate, but she didn’t seem to mind. She even walked to the gate by herself.

aina's first day of school

When I picked her up from school for the first time, she immediately ran to me, held my hand and rubbed her cheek onto the back of my hand. This means she misses me and needs cuddling. And me? I missed her terribly! I almost never away from her… and it feels weird being at home without her around. Yes, I miss her so much! Maybe I was too busy preparing Aina, I forgot that I would need preparations too… So, when she rubbed her cheek to the back of my hand, I immediately lifted and carried her out... showering her with lots of hugs and kisses.

Aina was very excited about going to school. She loves the school. So for the next 2 hours, she didn’t stop talking and told me stories of what happened while we weren’t together. Everything, to the smallest detail (like the-color-of-the-string-that-was-attached-to-the-doll-that-hangs-on-the-wall kinda detail). She told me all that while she’s sitting on my lap, so we can keep hugging… :)

aina's first day of school

36 Komentar
aniwul July 6, 2012 6:03 pm

Mama Aina, slm kenal ya..
Tertarik bgt sm statement ini --> I hate ironing, and have managed to do NO IRONING for the past 19 years… and I wasn’t planning to start again
Boleh ngga minta tips nya? Makasih ya Mom =)

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Desy Wulansari June 27, 2012 10:50 am

Woow..god one. Ide masuk kisses ke dalam tas itu pasti aku contoh, 3 minggu lagi masuk TK nih. Thanks ya!

thalia kamarga
thalia kamarga June 27, 2012 12:04 pm

hihihi, smoga sukses 3 minggu lagi yaaa! :D

myson June 27, 2012 12:23 am

wahh...Aina udah gedeee! You two are so sweet!

thalia kamarga
thalia kamarga June 27, 2012 12:03 pm

iya doooong! udah mau jadi princess katanya, hahaha... >_<

ninaKriya June 26, 2012 10:12 am

terharu banget baca ceritanya Thalia. Nanti ketika anakku mulai sekolah, yang bakal mewek tampak si bunda nih *lgsg persiapan dr sekarang*

thalia kamarga
thalia kamarga June 27, 2012 12:01 pm

hee, makasiii.... pas anak sekolah emang bikin terharu euy, hihihi.

Honey Josep
Honey Josep June 25, 2012 4:42 pm

Aina is so sweet :)

Selamat sekolah ya aina :)

Hari pertama Darren sekolah, gue gak nganter :(

Mellow ga jelas di kantor... everything seems wrong at that day!

thalia kamarga
thalia kamarga June 27, 2012 12:00 pm

aw, sedihnyaaa... gue sebenernya nganter soalnya ga ada lagi yang bisa nganterin sih, hon... hihihi.


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