Cuter Than Harry Potter

Oleh thelilsoldier pada Kamis, 05 Mei 2011
Seputar Style & Gears

Raka is a t-shirt and jeans kid. His different outfit would be green cameo pants - the army style and another t-shirt. Luckily, he has very stylist little aunties for making him  look edgy. Did I say edgy? I meant preppy. The clothing was nothing he's ever worn before. The fabric was not too warm to wear on a windy morning, add a pair of long socks, glasses, and a lunch box, this 'cuter than Harry Potter' boy is ready for prep school.

Cloth: white shirt & bow tie (unbranded); tuxedo short pants (korean brand, don't know what it is)
Socks: Lillebitte collection
Shoes: Oshkosh
Glasses: Lillebitte collection
Lunchbox: Lillebitte collection

74 Komentar
ochie manan
ochie manan June 8, 2011 9:57 pm

omagahhh lucuuu bgtttttt hihihihi

thelilsoldier May 10, 2011 2:16 pm

makasih ya tante-tante udah bilang Raka ganteng, lucu, dsb yang bagus-bagus. mama lagi ge-er di pojokan :p

sukie May 9, 2011 5:50 pm

aku udah liat tapi waktyu itu di kantor nda bisa login. huh.
telat deh komennya, mau komen, i love Raka.

gitu doank..hahahahaha,,


isyana natalia risti
isyana natalia risti May 9, 2011 2:21 pm

ga bisa ga ikutan komen.. lucuuu banget mba inga... naksir berat sama lunchboxnya! raka bisa masuk sartorialist nih ;D

thelilsoldier May 10, 2011 2:15 pm

lunchbox minjem punya tantenya :p
*gugel dulu arti sartorialist*

Nurul Husna
Nurul Husna May 6, 2011 11:01 pm

keyeeen..>.< brapa taun siy si ganteng mom?
fotonya jg keren..anglenya juga keren.. huaah..

thelilsoldier May 10, 2011 2:11 pm

5 tahun say..