Kids In Style Contest Winners

Oleh the urban mama pada Minggu, 06 Juni 2010
Seputar Announcements

As usual, we are getting tons of cute pictures of Urban Kids .. and it makes our job a bit tougher to choose.  Obviously the pictures are all cute and we definitely enjoy seeing them!

After another tough decision-making session, we finally chose 3 winners *pfiuuh* and here they are:


Ixia Maira Naobie

"Bumbo Trial at Mothercare" - Ixia Maira Naobie (dinaobie)

Foto ini diambil waktu lagi jalan-jalan ke Galaxy Mall, Surabaya. Tepatnya di Mothercare, dalam rangka ingin membeli Bumbo untuk Ixia. Untuk melihat dia suka atau tidak, didudukkan, lalu difoto deh ..

Top : Babylicious
Skirt : Olive Popeye
Legging : Unbranded
Bib : Mothercare
Shoes : Mothercare


Akhdan Abid

 "Malang Tempo Doeloe" - Akhdan Abid (abidcute)

 Foto ini hasil jepretan mamunk (omnya abid) pas acara Festival Malang Kembali 2010. Di acara ini semua setingnya Malang Tempo Doloe, jadilah Abid didandanin bener2 ala "Jadul"

Baju & Blankon: Oleh2 dari Tantenya Abid waktu dinas ke Yogyakarta
Celana: Mothercaresarung dr "bapak" (kakek abid) bli di pasar
Sarung: Dari "Bapak" (Kakek Abid) beli di pasar


Hazura Indar Faradiba

"Afternoon Stroll at the Lake Shore" - Hazura Indar Faradiba (bundadiba)

Living by the shores of Matano Lake is such a blessing, we can still enjoy nature which is not so possible if we live in the city. Fortunately Diba also loves the nature and animals, so a stroll to the lake or the surrounding small "forest" are among her favorite things to do. She just loves to take a 5 minute walk to the lake and enjoy the scenery of the lake, small fish, clouds, trees, while I try to insert some education about nature for her also.

Dress: Neighborhood dress by Bugsydelight
Sandals: Gymboree


Congratulations to the winners!!  Please drop us an email of your mailing address to [email protected]

Thanks for all urban Mamas who have participated in this event!  You may not receive the t-shirts from our sponsor, but keep an eye out .. you may see the pictures your submitted published in our "Style" article that's currently scheduled on every Saturday.  After all, cute pictures of the urban kids in style must be shared, yes? :)

Thanks again to Moms 'n Mine for providing the t-shirts for the winners.


33 Komentar
Fritha June 7, 2010 4:10 pm

@Aan: beneran ngefans ama diba, bgitu mbak Ann upload fotonya diba, aku uda ngira kalo diba bakalan menang, gayanya itu lho...gemeezzzzz dehhhh

Dina Edriani
Dina Edriani June 6, 2010 10:44 pm

@Vierly : dari Sorowako juga kah? *senangnyaaaa*

@Sukma-Dini-Siska-Ecaterina : itu pipi Ixia merah sebenernya pas lagi alergi mamas, jadi keliatan merah merona gtu, plus lampu ruangan yang emang terang banget, jadi tambah keliatan merah banget :D

@Jemima : tepatnya di pinggir danau sih, bukan di pulau ^__^ ayo main ke Sorowako :D

thalia kamarga
thalia kamarga June 6, 2010 10:24 pm

wah, blum ngasih selamet! congrats ya, ixia, abid dan diba... lucu2 banget kalian!

tapi emang ribet nih milih yang ini... lucu2 banget foto2nya... seneng deh ngeliatin anak2 pada dandan, hihihi.

Ecaterina June 6, 2010 9:57 pm

Congratz all winners!
Ixia lucu bgt deh,kyk pake blush-on :)
Abid ganteng deh..
Diba kamu emang cocok jd model deh.. bundanya jg jado bgt jd fashion stylist
Lucu2 semuanyaa.. :)

Siska Knoch
Siska Knoch June 6, 2010 6:30 pm

Ixia - pipinya gemesin bgt kayak princess snow white :)
Abid - tampang polosnya lucuuu hihii :p
Diba - as usual.. always looking pretty, cute, and.. stylistzzz =D

Selamat buat semua pemenang yaaa *hugs* :)