Modern Mama: The Modern Kartini

Oleh the urban mama pada Kamis, 22 April 2010
Seputar Announcements

We're embracing April in honor to Ibu Kartini and what she has accomplished for Indonesian women. 

Becoming a mother is a role that has been there for thousands of years.  As a modern mama, you are not only give in to the role of a mama and a wife to your family, but mamas these days lead sooo many different roles to the community.  An entrepreneur mama, a multi-tasking mama, an organizer, a storyteller, a traveller and so on and so forth.

We are celebrating the different roles that mama has to juggle as a "Modern Mama".  Even if you are a full time mama, you are not only looking after for your family, but you are eager to seek information about how to raise kids.  From a product review, writing stories for others to inspire, finding out different methods of parenthood, pregnancy periods, etc.. just all the reasons why you joined our forum

So, this month, we ask you...  "How do you see yourself in your role as a "Modern Mama"?

We received in total 38 pictures and wonderful stories for the Modern Mama contest and have chosen 6 finalists.  It was a long process because all the pictures are really really good!  So close to midnight last nite, we finally closed the poll to vote for Modern Mama and here are the 3 winners:

#1 - "Play Me Some Tunes, Mama" by djemima with 41 votes

As someone who loves what I do, and happen to do what I love, I'm extremely lucky to have both music and Ayla in my life. Walau kadang mama ngga pulang bebeh, dan mama ngga bawa uang bebeh, tapi jadi seorang ibu yang bisa bernyanyi untuk anaknya di saat genting (ngga bisa tidur, bosen, sakit) adalah berkah yang luar biasa dari Tuhan and I'll always be grateful for that.


#2 - Teman Makan yang Menyenangkan" by ditut with 36 votes

Hidup tanpa asisten rumah tangga dg 3 anak, berarti musti pinter menyiasati bermacam hal termasuk parenting style kami. Salah satunya adalah acara makan. Anak-anak musti terbiasa makan sendiri tanpa harus nungguin disuapin. That's why anak2 sejak dini kuajarkan untuk berlatih makan sendiri. Karena kebetulan lagi mraktekin Baby Led Weaning method,acara makan di luar rumah dg baby Neo jadi lebih mudah. Dia udah terbiasa dan terlatih makan makanannya sendiri.

#3 - "Perenang Handal" by bundanyalana with 35 votes

Sejak Lana usia 6 bulan, saya sudah mengajarkan dia untuk mengenal dan menyenangi air. Salah satunya adalah dengan mengajak dan mengajarkan Lana berenang. Sampai sekarang, berenang adalah kegiatan rutin kami hampir di setiap weekend. Senang rasanya melihat Lana sudah bisa menggerakkan kaki dan tangan-nya seperti layak-nya orang berenang. Cerita lebih lengkap bisa dilihat di sini.

Congratulations to all the winners!! Please send us your mailing address via email to [email protected] so we send you the prizes.

Selamat Hari Kartini, Urban Mamas!  You all are the modern version of Kartini, the Modern Mama. 

Thanks to Zaralde & for sponsoring this event!

39 Komentar
momsiyu April 22, 2010 8:24 pm

Congrats yaa to Djemima, Ditut, Bundanyalana! Selamat hari Kartini buat semua mamas di TUM.. :D

Almaviva Landjanun
Almaviva Landjanun April 22, 2010 3:50 am

Waa..congratos jemi,mamin,ipeh! Slmt kartiniaaan.. *hehe,telat ya* :p

Sefa Firdaus
Sefa Firdaus April 22, 2010 2:14 am

selamat untuk para modern mamas TUM

Shinto Husnul Khotimah
Shinto Husnul Khotimah April 21, 2010 10:40 pm

selamat ya kartini2nya TUM :p
aku suka bgt sama foto2nya

Eka Gobel
Eka Gobel April 21, 2010 7:43 pm

selamat yaa.. jamie, dita dan ipeh..
selamat hari kartini buat semua mama..
dan aku mengiri pada kopdar ya hari ini...? senangnyaa... :)