Pineapple Fritters

Oleh mamashita pada Jumat, 28 Desember 2012

I can tell you straight up - this is flat easy! Just substitute banana for pineapple with a packet of readily available flour for fritters.

Taste: Oh so sweet with a burst of tangy pineapple in every bite.

Texture: Crunchy on the outside. Serve while hot.

Ease: Eazy Peazy!


  • Generic brand of pineapple (trust me-they taste the same). Usually it's watered in heavy syrup.

  • 2-3 tablespoons of readily mixed flour. I use Sasa but any brand made for frying fruit fritters should be fine.

  • A swirl of sweet condensed milk. I use Frisian Flag.

  • Oil for cooking

Here's how:

  • Drain the pinapples from the heavy syrup and make sure there's as little syrup in the pineapple (but don't go too far by drying them with tissue).

  • Mix the Sasa with water until it thickens but not too thick. Make sure it's not runny.

  • Dip the pineapple and deep fry it until golden brown.

  • Place them nicely and drizzle or swirl condensed milk on top for a sweet finish.


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8 Komentar
Siska Knoch
Siska Knoch March 21, 2013 6:39 pm

omaygat... ini favorit gue banget, tiap beli "aneka gorengan cendana" kalo ke Bandung, pasti pilihan terbanyaknya si nanas goreng :D ternyata bisa bikin sendiri yaa.. hihii *hellowww kemane aje*
tfs mama shita.

PasarMinggu January 14, 2013 12:12 pm

Artikelnya bagus bunda.
Salam sejahtera, minta bantuannya. kami sedang mengikuti pelatihan kewirausahaan. Minta waktu kesediannya sebentar untuk mengisi survey kebiasaan belanja bahan segar kebutuhan dapur Salam sukses mulia untuk Anda..

mamashita December 30, 2012 9:20 am

@shinta lestari: Hi mama Shinta :) Fresh pineapple lebih bagus doong :) met coba

shinta lestari
shinta lestari December 28, 2012 10:55 am

yuhuu.. mau koreksi mama-mama di atas.. namanya Shita loh.. bukan Shinta. Shinta mah gue.. *geer* hihi..

ih gue kok ga pernah kepikiran ya bikin pineapple fritters? pengen nyobain ah! btw, mama shita.. kalo pake fresh pineapple gitu gimana? jadi bukan yang dari kalengan. beda gak?

ninit yunita
ninit yunita December 28, 2012 10:36 am

belum pernah bikin!
jadi pengeeen! TFS the recipe shin...