Anyone fancy that children's illustrated books 'Where's Wally?' (known as 'Where's Waldo?' at US and Canada)? Well, beside the books, I also the fans of Wally's character, God knows how much I adore Wally's distinctive red-and-white stripes shirt. So imagine how happy I was when I found a perfect red-and-white striped shirt for my daughter.
Yup! I know she looked like a boy with the outfits; but hey..., we're living in world where 'Androgyny Style' is one of fashion statements. :)
On Sophie: Unbranded red-and-white striped shirt and jeans by Next.
On Mom: Invio black blazer and tops by CottonInk.
Lucuunyaaa waaa iya yaaa lucu juga punya baju garis-garis kayak Wally. Aku pun pengkoleksi buku Wally...haha thanks for the idea! (Hmmm jadi pengen cari topinya juga deh dan kacamatanya...hayah jadi nambah maunya :P)
Bs kok, Put! Brsan gw coba. Apa hrs add jd kawan dl ya. Klo memang berkenan, bolehlah di add di "Teph Doetz" :P
Ide seru, lets stripes!
Makasih mba Ayuning, Mama Melon, Mama van CJ dan Mba Ninit..... Ayo ayo, kita pake stripes tops trus TUM gathering lg dooong, blom pernah ikutan TUM gathering, pengen bgt :) ... Btw Mama CJ, linknya ga bisa dibuka :( lho...
where's sophie? :)
keren banget deh! kompak... putri cantik sekaliii dirimu! :)
Hey Sophie The Wally! Canti banget kamu, nak!
Btw, CJ jg punya atasan yg sama cm ada tulisannya "the cutest baby in the world" (He is! Mama yg super PeDe) Ada di link
Tnyata Mamanya Sophie penggemar CottoInk? *wink*