High Heels

Oleh Brett Money pada Selasa, 13 November 2012
Seputar Expert Explains

Brett Money is an Australian physiotherapist with 9 years of experience in the field of musculoskeletal injuries and operations. (website: http://www.omactive.com)

“I used to wear heels all the time but since I had my baby high heels give me knee pain. Is this normal?”
Yes it is normal. A lot of women will be surprised to know this, but research shows that high heel shoes do cause knee pain. How? Well by wearing heels you are shifting your center of gravity forwards and this places increased stresses your body; in particular your feet, ankles and knees.

Knee Pain: A Quick Anatomy Lesson
Inside your knees and many other joints is a substance called Articular Cartilage. This firm rubbery material covers the end of all your bones and lines your joints giving it a nice cushion. When articular cartilage breaks down the cushion is lost and the bones start to grind together causing swelling, stiffness and pain. Severe cases of articular cartilage breakdown is also known as Osteo Arthritis or OA.

So What?
High heels do increase pressure in the knee joint, which increases the amount of wear and tear and joint degeneration. There are many other causes of knee pain, so try not wearing heels for a few days and if you notice a difference then your shoes could be the source.

Pick the Right Shoe for the Right Occasion
So your shoes might be causing a lot of your knee pain, does that mean you have to throw out your favorite heels? Do you have to start wearing grandma shoes? No not at all. What you should do is manage your knee pain and wear the right shoe for the right occasion. Knowing when to wear what is the key. For important events and weddings it makes sense to wear heels to match your outfit, but when you have a long day of walking and standing ahead of you try a more comfortable alternative.

What Is A Good Shoe?
When looking for a good shoe or sandal, choose one that is supportive of your feet and it’s natural arches with a good cushioning. If it’s really comfortable then it’s probably good for your feet. For walking sports shoes we suggest Asics and New Balance, for Sandals we suggest Birkenstocks, Fit Flop and Crocs. Regardless of brand if it has a good supportive sole with enough cushioning it should decrease your knee pain.

Brett Money
Brett Money

is an Australian physiotherapist with 9 years of experience in the field of musculoskeletal injuries and operations.
Website: http://www.omwellnessgroup.com/

15 Komentar
Astrid Soendjasmono
Astrid Soendjasmono December 4, 2012 1:01 pm

high heels is very beauty for our look. If we do not want to be so tired so wear wdges would be nice. But we have to choose the good one instead it will look like bigger shoes than our body

DinniW November 20, 2012 2:25 pm

Pick the Right Shoe for the Right Occasion, SO TRUE ! wlpun ke wedding event tapi kalo jadi pager2an gitu mentok2 berani pake 3 cm aja, kan harus standby sepanjang hari, ga nahan kalo maksa pake 5-7cm kecuali jd tamu.but wedges shoes help me much. bikin "beda" tp ga sepegel pake heels biasa. dan...buat travelling, crocs still the best *toss sama otty*

arkandio November 18, 2012 2:05 pm

high heel ku udah masuk kotak,, yg d rak cm yg flat.. even kadang2 masiy kangen pengen make jugag..

pradnya anindita November 14, 2012 4:17 am

msh sk kangen pake high heels.abis pake high heels rasanya lebih 'badai' :)) tp ga sanggup kl pake gendong bayi 10kg. kyknya pake high heels dan bw beban tambahan tdk disarankan ya

Fanny Hartanti
Fanny Hartanti November 13, 2012 6:12 pm

kalau aku bukan lutut, tapi boyok'e..
*pasang salonpas*


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