Visiting S.E.A Aquarium

Oleh ario121 pada Jumat, 11 Januari 2013
Seputar Activities

At the end of November, we went to visit one of the latest tourist attractions in Singapore, The South East Asia Aquarium, located in Sentosa Island. The last time we went to visit aquarium with Naia was in Busselton, West Australia when Naia was only 10 months-old.

[caption id="attachment_79144" align="alignnone" width="357" caption="... said to be the world's largest aquarium ... we'll see"][/caption]

Actually there are two aquariums in Sentosa Island, the old Underwater World Singapore and the new S.E.A Aquarium. S.E.A Aquarium was said to have the world biggest fish tank at the moment. So before other aquarium beats that record, why don’t we pay a visit. We had to buy one-day pass to visit the Aquarium, SGD29 for adult, SGD20 for kid (4-12), and free for baby.

[caption id="attachment_79148" align="alignnone" width="620" caption="The exhibition gallery, displaying the silk road history ..."][/caption]

Before we reached the aquarium hall, we passed exhibition gallery. This exhibition gallery was part of the Maritime Experiential Museum that displayed the history of silk road. Quite educative for primary school students but a bit too early for Naia. The only attraction that impressed Naia at the exhibition gallery was the paper do-it-yourself of Asian junk ship miniature. She spent several good-minutes to create her ship.

[caption id="attachment_79149" align="alignnone" width="620" caption="Naia tried to make her own Asian junk ship ..."][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_79151" align="alignnone" width="620" caption="Under the shark tunnel"][/caption]

The main aquarium attractions were located at the lower level. There were ten aquariums, smaller ones, bigger ones and giant one. Near the entrance, we could see bigger aquarium with shipwreck inside (The Strait Karimata and Java Sea Aquarium). There were also under-the-feet aquarium, above-the-head aquariums, see-and-touch display of sea creatures, before we arrived at the giant aquarium, the Open Ocean. Naia quite enjoyed most of the displays, especially the see-and-touch display, where she could touch the starfish. Baby Neishia was amazed with colorful fish and other sea creatures. Both girls were also fascinated with the giant aquarium where they could see giant manta rays ‘flying’ inside the fish tank. Just before the exit, we passed another over-the-head aquarium filled with various types of shark.

[caption id="attachment_79152" align="alignnone" width="357" caption="Aquarium here, aquarium there ..."][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_79147" align="alignnone" width="620" caption="The world's largest aquarium, at least for now ..."][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_79145" align="alignnone" width="620" caption="Baby Neishia, fascinated with colorful fish"][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_79146" align="alignnone" width="357" caption="That's manta ray fish ... papa to Naia ..."][/caption]

Whatta day with a lot of fish !!!

9 Komentar
Nunki Herwanti August 4, 2013 3:54 am

Papa ario121 wrote "3. buat yang datang ke SG naik SQ, jangan lupa bawa boarding pass. banyak tempat wisata yang kasih diskon 10% dari harga tiket masuk. lumayan, kan?"

Wiiihhh asyik banget! Untung tau dari sekarang.. ini wajib dicatat.. hohoho dasar emak2 ga mau ketinggalan dpt untung.

ario121 January 17, 2013 7:28 am

makasih buat komentarnya. aquarium ini memang menarik buat dikunjungi. ada tambahan beberapa tips :
1. kalau bisa datang waktu bukan luburan sekolah. saya dengar bulan desember lalu ramai sekali, jadi gak bebas bergerak.
2. sebelum masuk, lebih baik makan dulu. soalnya di dalam gak ada tempat makan (yang jual snack ada satu, tapi mau makan repot soalnya di dalam agak gelap).
3. buat yang datang ke SG naik SQ, jangan lupa bawa boarding pass. banyak tempat wisata yang kasih diskon 10% dari harga tiket masuk. lumayan, kan?

Gabriella F
Gabriella F January 14, 2013 10:41 pm

keren banget... albert pasti suka kalo diajak ke sini...

Arum January 14, 2013 5:00 am

waah, senang banget bisa ajak anak2 ke sini ya.. pasti anak2ku jug aakan suka banget *bikin rencana liburan ah*
Btw, buat para penggemar akuarium raksasa, ada juga akuarium yg besaar (walaupun katanya ini yg terbesar yah?), tapi lebih jauh di Osaka, akuariumnya 7 lantai lengkap dengan whale shark yg guede.. silahkeun direncanakan liburannya hehehe :)

thalia kamarga
thalia kamarga January 12, 2013 11:00 am

huhuhu, keren yo! pengen banget ke sini... apa hari ini aja ya?


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