Aina's Birthday Picnic

Oleh thalia kamarga pada Minggu, 22 Juli 2012
Seputar My Party

aina's birthday picnic 2012

This year, Aina’s birthday falls on Saturday. So we decided to throw a bit of a party. A picnic party, so that it’s more fun rather than just hanging out at our house. We invited our friends to meet up at the Bukit Timah part of the Botanic Gardens (It’s reachable by MRT, so it’s easy for everyone, with or without cars) and sat on the grass while the kids ran around the gardens blowing bubbles and playing with balls.
aina's birthday picnic 2012

For fun, we sew a handmade goodie bag a few days before the actual picnic. This way, Aina can help preparing the picnic. We fill in the bags with cute erasers and pens, soap bubbles to use in the park and some chocolate coins.
making the goodiebags

making the goodiebags

making the goodiebags

The tricky part was the cake. Aina wanted to have the whole singing-candle-blowing-thing with a cake. With Singapore weather, it’s pretty impossible to bring cake to an outdoor picnic without a cooler. So we ended up buying a cooler. And since we had a cooler, we decided to go for an ice cream cake... It’s nice to munch on an ice cream cake on a hot picnic day, right?

She also wanted to wear a princessy dress. But I had to convince her that it would be too hot and inconvenient to wear princessy dress and have a fun picnic. So, we settled with her normal dress and a pink tiara.

aina's birthday picnic 2012

We also brought picnic blanket, snacks like nuts and crackers, lots of drink (water, tea, etc) and ice, and of course, beach balls. some friends brought along frisbees and a dog :)

So, thank you for everyone who came… Aina said she had an awesome time. We started the picnic around 3-ish (arrived a bit late, thanks to Mae and Andy for reserving the best seat in the house!) and we left the park after dark, which means that it was a success that everyone stayed that long.

aina's birthday picnic 2012

aina's birthday picnic 2012

aina's birthday picnic 2012

aina's birthday picnic 2012

aina's birthday picnic 2012

aina's birthday picnic 2012

aina's birthday picnic 2012

24 Komentar
Honey Josep
Honey Josep July 30, 2012 10:04 am

iya.... akan gw coba bulan depan... bulan ini masih banyak kerjaan :)

tfs Thalia :)

thalia kamarga
thalia kamarga August 3, 2012 10:44 am

sip sip! ntar share ceritanya ya hon! :D

Honey Josep
Honey Josep July 25, 2012 1:55 pm

happy birthday Aina! surely you all had so much fun :)

pengen nyoba, kira- kira di Jakarta seperti Taman Suropati bisa ga ya ?

thalia kamarga
thalia kamarga July 25, 2012 10:52 pm

iya ya, taman suropati kan teduh gitu. dicoba aja hon! lagian kalo ternyata ga enak kan tinggal pulang... nothing to lose, dan kalo ternyata enak, bisa sering2 :)

shinta lestari
shinta lestari July 24, 2012 9:26 am

tetep ngiriii gak bisa dateng.. huhuhu.. aina cantik banget! udah gak balita lagi dehhh.. udah gedee!

thalia kamarga
thalia kamarga July 24, 2012 10:10 pm

naia waktu itu sakit yaaa... sayang, hu hu hu. kapan2 deh kita piknik2an lagi :) iya, aina sekarang udah bukan balita. udah tante2... hihihi.

Siska Knoch
Siska Knoch July 23, 2012 8:07 pm

wow... 5yo! happy birthday Aina :*

thalia kamarga
thalia kamarga July 23, 2012 10:54 pm

makasii tante chika! :)

Pangastuti Sri Handayani
Pangastuti Sri Handayani July 23, 2012 11:53 am

Seruuu... Alternatif yang lebih menarik daripada pesta ulang taun di resto fast food :p Tapi kalo ngadain ginian di Surabaya, di mana ya? Terancam harus sewa tenda ber-AC juga kali nih gue, soalnya di sini panas banget hahaha...

thalia kamarga
thalia kamarga July 23, 2012 10:54 pm

disini juga panas, ty! kuncinya: dulu2an nyari pohon gede... hihihi. ini juga kebetulan sih dapet spot yang teduuuuh banget.


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