Animal Wall Mural

Oleh thalia kamarga pada Rabu, 23 Desember 2009
Seputar Activities

When I was about 6-month pregnant, my husband and i decided that we want to decorate our first child's room with colorful animal drawings. We took our time in this project, because towards the end of the pregnancy, my back-pain got in the way. So we only worked on it whenever we (actually, I) feel like i was up for it.

We started with sketching random animals on the wall with pencil. Then we mixed some acrylic paint (a little more expensive, but it doesn't smell and safe for the pregnancy) and started painting.

wall drawing wall painting

The drawing on the wall sort of grew organically. We didn't plan what animal to draw and where, so that explains why the peacock is the same size as the elephant...

We finished the wall a day short of two weeks before aina was born. I actually wanted to add more animals and create thicker outlines for each of them, but we thought we could do that after aina was born. Well, we never got around to do it.

the (sorta) finished wall

When Aina was younger, she didn't really look at the animals. instead, she focused on the colors... It was around 2 months old that we could sooth her from crying whenever we hold her in front of the orange tiger.

After Aina could talk, she started making up stories of the animals interacting with each other: the bear is daddy, the kangaroo is mommy and Aina is the joey kangaroo... this happens almost every morning, when she just woke up.

walking... sorta.

So, i guess, now that Aina is 2.5 years old, we can start drawing more animals on her wall, together with aina herself.

26 Komentar
marni uli saragih
marni uli saragih November 25, 2012 3:46 am

kereeen,n bersyukur jago gambar ya... pengen,apa daya cm pasang wallsticker aja quin suka hewan2 jg soalnya :)

momsiyu February 2, 2010 3:24 pm

whoaa.. keren banget Thal.. Lagi pengen decorate dinding kamar dg gambar2 lucu untuk baby Tian *yg lagi seneng bgt liat2 gambar2 lucu di bantal gulingnya hihi* Hmm.. tapi kalo disuruh ngelukis kayak gini mah ga bisaa & eman2 dinding2nya wkwkwkwk.. ada gak ya sticker bergambar yg bisa ditempel/dilepas di dinding tembok? Selama ini taunya cuman yg untuk di dinding kamar mandi doang..

Ati January 7, 2010 12:07 pm

so inspiring, tapi kalo gw yg bikin ga akan sebagus itu hasilnya... huhuhu

thalia kamarga
thalia kamarga December 13, 2009 5:31 pm

halo juga, ibu mika :) ini pake cat acrylic. biasanya di toko yang jualan alat2 lukis atau alat crafting ada kok. agak mahal, tapi ga bau karena bukan alcohol-based. jadi safe buat yang lagi hamil atau anak kecil.

Indah Wiyoga December 13, 2009 12:25 pm

Salam kenal Mba Thalia,
Kereeen bgt! Catnya pake apa tuh Mba biar bagus warnanya keluar gt? Thx ya


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