D.I.Y. Easter Garland

Oleh thalia kamarga pada Jumat, 29 Maret 2013
Seputar Do-It-Yourself

DIY easter bunting

It's almost Easter, and Aina is having a term break for a week. So, when I saw Mindy's post on twitter that she was making Easter Eggs garland, I thought it's a perfect Easter craft for Aina to do.

So we went to get some printed papers at Art Friend nearby. Originally Aina wanted to use pink or red ribbons, but they were too short for her window, so we ended up using the twine I have laying around.

DIY easter bunting

What we needed:

  • various patterned paper. you can design and print them yourself, if you feel like it,

  • thicker cardboard paper for the template,

  • pencil and eraser,

  • yarn, ribbon or twine for hanging the bunting,

  • scissors,

  • and a hole puncher.

First, I had to make a template for the "flag" part. Since it's for Easter, we decided to make bunnies and eggs. We used a much thicker board so that it's easier for Aina to trace the template onto the patterned paper.

DIY easter bunting

DIY easter bunting

Once the templates are done, then it's all Aina's work. She started with the egg, because it was easier. First, she traced the template on to the paper using a pencil. This way, we can erase the pencil later. Then, she cut it to shape.

DIY easter garland DIY easter garland

DIY easter bunting

Same thing with the bunny, just a bit harder during the cutting because the sharp corner on the ears.

DIY easter garland DIY easter garland

After making enough eggs and bunnies, we put two holes on each of them using the hole-puncher. These holes are for the thread to go through. The eggs got the holes on the top, while the bunnies got them on each of their ears.

DIY easter bunting

DIY easter bunting

Then we put the twine (or ribbon, or yarn) into the holes, stringing the bunnies and eggs together...

DIY easter bunting

DIY easter bunting

DIY easter bunting

...and VIOLA! It's done! It is now hanging on aina's bedroom window...

DIY easter bunting

DIY easter bunting

DIY easter bunting

What a messy room!

12 Komentar
Kenny April 19, 2013 12:45 pm

coolll - keren banget aina udah bisa diajak bikin craft ya

Carolyne Lee
Carolyne Lee April 18, 2013 10:05 am

love it!!!!!

shinta lestari
shinta lestari April 2, 2013 4:55 pm

lucuu bangeeett!! dan aina serius banget bikinnya heheh.. ini naia pasti juga sukaa banget nih secara tiap hari kerjanya gunting2 di rumah. tar ah kalo pas dia libur dan gue juga libur, bisa jadi ide untuk bikin2 craft di rumah.

thalia kamarga
thalia kamarga April 2, 2013 11:44 am

@sukie - makasiii tante sukie!

@indy - iya, buat bday party juga bisa... bisa bikin nama anak sendiri, hehehe.

@chika - hihihi, itu yang milih kertasnya aina. makanya kayak gitu jadinya XD

Siska Knoch
Siska Knoch April 2, 2013 9:49 am

Lucuuu, aina banget!! hihihi


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