
Oleh shinta lestari pada Kamis, 07 Januari 2010
Seputar Activities

Over the Christmas long weekend, my husband and I decided to spend a couple of nights away from our apartment and have a family quality time, just the three of us.  Since it's too short for a vacation, we decided to stay nearby and just checked-in to the hotel in the city area.  Felt like a tourist alright, but definitely worth the experience to rejuvenate our bonding as a family as well as having a relaxing time, away from the routines.

At first, I thought it would be just like any other weekend we spend at home.  But apparently the feel and the interior of a hotel room with its amenities & convenience really made a difference to help us relax.  We slept late, enjoy our time in the pool and walking around the tourist area and malls.  It was fun, even Naia was having a good time!


At her age, she was already aware of the new surroundings.  And the fact that she knows only Mama and Papa are around means she's on vacation and Mama & Papa will not leave her for work.  She was being a good girl and very jolly the whole time that she had her energy going even after waayyy past midnight, just jumping around the room with all her toys.  And for us, the parents?  It's also relaxing cuz we do not need to spend a long time for travel time and we can have ease of mind cuz whichever things we forget we can always pick it up at home (though we didn't go home at all)!  Plus, it's a cheaper way of having a vacation! :)

14 Komentar
shinta lestari
shinta lestari January 14, 2010 3:38 pm

@brenda - thank youu.. iya naia puas deh di fotoin, abisan kalo foto tempat, kayaknya udah biasa, jadi fotonya naia aja. heheh.. wah tiap weekend dong nginep di hotelnya? hihi..

@rianasari - kadang, liburan ke luar kota emang seru, ngeliat tempat baru. tapi terkadang, liburan keluar kota ga bikin relax, karena dikejar2 ama waktu mesti liat ini itu. takut kelewatan. kalo di dalam kota kan engga.. fokusnya emang bener2 relaxing. cobain deh!

Rianasari January 13, 2010 2:25 pm

Shinta, makasih ya ceritanya..very inspiring :).. dipikir2 kenapa harus "sibuk" nyari ide liburan di luar kota ya...

brenda January 9, 2010 8:05 pm

Fotonya bagus2 seneng liatnya dan si cantik Naia bener2 enjoy kayaknya ya...

Iya bener Shin, nginep sekali kali di hotel gitu bener2 buat kita rileks ya...jadi semangat lagi memulai hari senin hahaha...

shinta lestari
shinta lestari January 8, 2010 9:31 am

@ninit - iya cobain deh nit! mayan banget buat relaxing tanpa harus persiapan heboh. dan kita sebagai ibu juga lebih relax, kalo ternyata ada barang yang kurang, ya bisa balik ke rumah buat ngambil. walopun akhirnya gak juga. :P

@alin - iya, sekalian bisa untuk trial buat ngajak anak2 vacation beneran. hehe.. thanks yah komen buat naia nya! :)

@thalia - iya penting banget tuh thal. kalo staycation gini, bisa dapet gratisan lebih ok lagi!

@fanny - iya ini yang di intercon. letaknya di bugis dan di bawahnya pas ada MRT. jadi kalo mau jalan2 ke tempat laen (orchard?) juga gak perlu jauh2 jalannya, yang penting semuanya ber-AC & sheltered.

@didy - beneeerr! kadang krn kita tinggal disini kita malah males jalan2 ke daerah turis. tapi kalo staycation gini jadi bisa "pretend" kita juga turis. hehe.. thanks yah!

didy January 8, 2010 9:24 am

hi shinta, salam kenal..:)
sekali2 jadi turis di kota sendiri seru juga ya. gak perlu planning yang terlalu heboh tapi justru menyenangkan dan bikin relax..
btw, naia cantik spt mamanya..hehe


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