The Art of The Brick

Oleh thalia kamarga pada Kamis, 14 Maret 2013
Seputar Activities

the art of brick

We finally visited The Art of The Brick exhibition at the ArtScience Museum. At the beginning, we thought it's a LEGO exhibition. It turned out to be a solo exhibition by Nathan Sawaya, an artist from New York. He makes scuplturs, installations, all of them using LEGO as medium.

So, if you're expecting to see LEGO sculptures like in LEGOland or LEGOcity, no... it's nothing like that. It's an art exhibition... and the target audience is not little kids. But adults.

However, this exhibition is more children-friendly than most art exhibitions, because it's colorful, it's fun, and at the end of the exhibition, there is an activity area for kids, where they can play and make things with LEGOs.

Aina, as usual, had a blast.

the art of brick
the art of brick
the art of brick
the art of brick

She was hopping around here and there. there were pieces that mom and dad likes...
the art of brick
the art of brick

And there were enough interactive stuff for her to play with, like making a LEGO family portrait...
lego family portrait.

Sitting with the blue LEGO dude...
the art of brick

LEGO maze...
the art of brick

Or playing shadow...
the art of brick
the art of brick

And there were also pieces that make both of us went, WOW! Like the dinosaur...
the art of brick
the art of brick

So, it was fun, indeed :)

The Art of the Brick
ArtScience Museum Singapore
Marina Bay Sands
17 November 2012 – 14 April 2013

11 Komentar
thalia kamarga
thalia kamarga March 19, 2013 3:43 pm

ella - wah kalo gitu mesti buru2 schedule ke SG nih. albert pasti seneng!

Gabriella F
Gabriella F March 19, 2013 11:16 am

Wah keren! Albert sukaaaa banget sama Lego! Kalo mau lihat berarti mesti cepet2 ke SG donk ya... hihi

thalia kamarga
thalia kamarga March 17, 2013 10:45 pm

iya, seru deh. sebenernya sih tadinya gue pikir emang exhibition lego, buat anak2 gitu. tapi ternyata engga. lebih kayak art exhibition. untungnya tetep lumayan children friendly.

cindy: mesti sebelum tgl 14 april ke SGnya! hihihi.

musdalifa anas
musdalifa anas March 16, 2013 2:47 pm

huaaa keren banget, kapan ya ada kaya gini di jakarta

Siska Knoch
Siska Knoch March 16, 2013 7:19 am

seru dan kereeenn.....!!
baru liat foto2nya aja udah terpana bgt, apalagi kalo dateng langsung.


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