Comfortable Nursing Wear

Oleh tamimacallo pada Selasa, 25 Maret 2014
Seputar Our Stories

Some babies, like mine, enjoy watching the world around her. She always busy trying to watch and observe everything even when I breastfeed her. She often play with her fingers, stared at it, touching my face or just watching people passing by. Of course there's nothing wrong with it. But it's a whole different story when we are in public place. I tried to use nursing cover a couple times but no, that didn't work for us. She dislike the cover, blocking her view. She'll start to kick, scream and throws it off until it's gone. That means I have to go all the way looking for a nursing room, a quiet corner at the other side of the mall or whatever it is while she was screaming for her milk. Sometimes it happened during lunchtime with my friends. Sound a bit selfish? I don't think so. But I thought there must be a way, the easier way to be a mom.

Months later, the wonderful journey of breastfeeding brought me to create Sun Songs and Circus: a nursing wear clothing line that makes breastfeeding in public easier and stress-free! Sun Songs and Circus has a great selection of nursing wear for every occasion, from casual to formal. I like the fitted nursing tee and the knot blouse for everyday nursing wear:

or if I need something casual to wear, I choose the slit-shirt and long-sleeve nursing shirt. The long-sleeve shirt gives a good option for those who wears hijab:

Need something to wear for a semi-formal occasion? Have a look at the butterfly dress and sundress. Sun Songs and Circus also have nursing kebaya (kebaya encim with white embroidery) for a formal occasion:

Sun Songs and Circus offers a super comfortable breastfeeding clothing with hidden openings for discreet breastfeeding. I can breastfeed conveniently anytime and anywhere. With Sun Songs and Circus, no view-blocker for my baby and no more rushing through the mall looking for nursing room. Everybody's happy, everybody's healthy.

17 Komentar
tamimacallo May 5, 2014 1:11 pm

Diah alatal : Yg paling lengkap di fb yg people category. Sunsongsandcircus nursing-maternity. Kalau ngga ketemu kasih nama fbmu aja nanti aku cari.

diah alatal May 5, 2014 11:42 am

kalau mau liat produknya sun songs and circus dimana ya?

tamimacallo May 4, 2014 7:49 am

Makasih ya winidi :) makasih sudah diberi kepercayaan sampai 9 baju...

WINIDI May 3, 2014 8:42 pm

Saya juga senang pake baju2nya SSC. Totalnya dah ada 9 potong kali...
Hehehe. Sukses selalu mba Tami. :)
Happy customer too

tamimacallo April 12, 2014 12:54 pm

Makasih banyak bundanya athaya... ini adhe kan ya?
Btw bahan garisnya udah dateng loh...belum sempet bongkar tapinya :)