Yoga with Aina

Oleh thalia kamarga pada Selasa, 01 Oktober 2013
Seputar Activities

yoga with aina

I've been doing yoga almost daily lately. A few years ago, I used to do yoga in a class. But now, with my limited time, I prefer to do it at home, on my own schedule. Not only it takes less time to do (no traveling), but it also turned out that Aina loves doing yoga with me!

Yay, another mom & daughter bonding activity!

We usually do the 45 to 60 minutes routine together. We choose the routines that's interesting and fun for both of us. Aina does Ballet, so she's waaaay more flexible than I am... and she loves to show it off and rub it on my face...

yoga with aina yoga with aina

yoga with aina yoga with aina

yoga with aina yoga with aina

yoga with aina

yoga with aina

yoga with aina

I don't usually correct her posture or anything; I just let her do whatever she wants on the mat. Aina, much like other kids, has a much shorter attention span, so there were times when she start doing things out of the routine, like bringing pillows into the mat and decided to sleep in it. Or playing with her towel and forgetting the Yoga... It's fine. Eventually, she'll come back when she feels like it.

yoga with aina

yoga with aina

I'd like to think that this yoga session is something that she sees often, like mom's habit. Like tooth brushing, cooking, making-up bed... and hopefully, she identifies exercises as something that comes naturally like a habit. A fun habit, though, that everyone can join... even Koda the Dog.

yoga with aina

yoga with aina


Things I would do when I do yoga with Aina:

  1. Starts with short routine, 15-30 minutes, just in case it gets boring for the kid. When Yoga becomes a fun thing to do for them, they'll as for longer routine :)

  2. Don't worry if the kid(s) starts to drift off and lose concentration... their attention span is much shorter than us. Just keep it fun.

  3. I always tell her that if she gets tired or bored, she can always stop. I'd probably keep going, and she can stop anytime she wants.

  4. Wear similar outfit... I'm not sure if it works for everyone, but Aina loves wearing (and doing) things like her mom.

  5. Last but not Least: Have fun! Smile! Laugh!

20 Komentar
Mia K Fitri
Mia K Fitri October 9, 2013 4:02 pm

Kereeeen... dan fotonya lucuuuu... jadi pingin yoga lagi.

dea October 5, 2013 8:37 am

Kalau gue yoga, bocah malah menunggangi. Belum tertarik dia nampaknya.

Aina hebat bgt posenya .

Siska Knoch
Siska Knoch October 4, 2013 12:38 pm

Udah berasa bikin hepi, padahal baru liat foto pertama!
Body thal keren, dan Aina pinter banget ngikutinnya (terlepas emang ikutan balet juga) hihi
dan... miss koda kocak banget di foto yg terakhir hehehe
kalo migu gue ajakin prenatal yoga di rumah mau ngikutin pose gue ga yah? hahaha

thalia kamarga
thalia kamarga October 4, 2013 11:33 am

@eka - haha, iya... kalo anak cowok maunya main bola kali ya, ka. mana bisa diem di mat kalo kayak enzo & dante :D

@rikandun - aku pake app gitu, bukan dari yutub. tapi ga beda jauh sih sebenernya ya, hihihi.

@shinta - dia sih sebenernya ngaco, shin... tapi karena lentur, jadi bisa lah dimasuk2in, hihihi.

@fanny - tenkyuu fan!

@jamesneil - aku pengen bisa kayak kamuuuuuu, mel! hahaha... iya, mat kami emang pink banget XD

@ipeh - yay! mulai yoga juga ya peh? lana suka ikutan?

@sitha - hahaha, miss e kocak. aina cuma mau kalo bareng gue. dia lebih seneng main yang lain...

@honey - kok iri? hihihi.... kan bisa sambil santai2. koda aja mau ikutan :P

@nika - asiiik, yuk lagi! aku juga udah lama banget nih, bertahun2 berenti yoga. sekarang kayak kurang minyak, hahaha.

@zata - oh caca kenapa, ta? udah remaja ya, hehehe.

@mama-kinan - yuuuk! moga2 seru ya, bisa jadi bonding time juga :D

Sugiharti Sudiono
Sugiharti Sudiono October 4, 2013 12:06 am

wah informatif banget ..jadi pingin nyoba yoga sama gadisku :)
tfs yah